How to whiten your face

How to whiten your face
 Caucasian beauty with delicate blush on the cheeks have long been considered the most attractive. Many women would like to lighten the skin. This can be done not only hiding from the sun, but also using a variety of traditional medicines.
 Today beauticians offer to use a variety of tools, as part of which there are many chemicals which may bleach spots and brighten the skin. Recipes of traditional medicine are time-tested, of course, they are safer for the skin. For example, applying a mask of parsley, not only can whiten the face, but also to return the skin its elasticity. Pass the parsley through the meat grinder, put the mask on your face and leave for 20 minutes.

Beautiful lightening effect has a mask, which is composed of milk, lemon juice, honey and almond oil. If you grind the almonds with honey, can not only lighten the skin, but to give it shine.

In summer, when the market has a huge assortment of various fruits and berries, whiten skin, you can use a small amount of strawberries or blackcurrants, because these berries have bleaching properties. Mash the berries with a fork or a blender, put the pulp on your face as a mask for 25 minutes, then wash with warm running water.

The mask of pepper is considered one of the most effective tools in the fight against blemishes on the skin. Rub half a bell pepper grated pulp and apply for 30 minutes on the face. Remove the mask, wash, apply a nourishing cream.

Many products are in the summer in your refrigerator, suitable to lighten the skin. For example, you can use the rind melons, wiping her face. This procedure will save you from age spots and lighten the skin at the same time. The pulp of fresh cucumber moisturizes and whitens the skin. It is very useful in order to lighten the skin wipe it with a piece of raw potato or a slice of lemon. It is useful to wash milk or yogurt applied to the skin became lighter.

Blue clay in the composition of face masks can help your skin stay fresh and bright.

Get the perfect mask for whitening skin can be, mixing cottage cheese with egg yolk and five drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix well and a mask put on the face for 15 minutes If you wish to receive more besides lightening and nourishing effect, the mask should add a spoonful of honey.

Tags: skin, face mask