How to whiten your face

How to whiten your face
 Pigment spots appear on the skin after pregnancy and childbirth, as a result of sunburn. They can also be caused by age-related changes of the skin. Whitening facial procedures performed in the home, give the same stable result as salons.
 Before applying the whitening mask needs to be done peeling. Thus you remove particles chapped skin and improve the mask. The easiest and most affordable scrub - oatmeal. To cook chop "Hercules" in a coffee grinder or blender. On a glass powder obtained by adding 1 tsp. Salt and baking soda. This will be the basis of a scrub. Depending on the skin type, add the following components:
- For oily - serum or yogurt;
- Dry - cream or sour cream;
- Normal - milk or mineral water.
Liquids take that amount to get a lot of consistency of sour cream. Apply on face. Allow to dry for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and apply a mask.

Whitening Mask for oily skin

Beat with a mixer white of one egg and add 1 tsp. Lemon juice. The resulting foam apply on face for 5 minutes. As the drying, apply a new layer. The total duration of the procedure - at least 15 minutes. This mask tightens facial contours, helps to narrow pores.

Moisten a cotton cloth in cabbage pickle and apply it on the face. The duration of the mask - 15-20 minutes.

Mix 50 g of cottage cheese with 1 tsp. Of liquid honey and 1 tbsp. spoon yogurt. Add 2 g of ascorbic acid powder. Apply to face and neck. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

Whitening mask for dry skin

In 50g cheese, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, 1 tsp. honey, a few drops of vitamin A and E (you can squeeze out two capsules "Aevitum"). Apply on face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes.

Mash strawberries or a few raspberries. Add the resulting mash fat sour cream. This mask not only whitens, but also nourishes the skin.

Boil one medium potato in milk, mash it with a fork. Add the mashed 1 tsp. Olive oil and one egg yolk. Mix well and apply on face. Cover with a damp cloth, so that the mass does not dries. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

For normal and combination skin, you can do any one of the masks. They should be alternated with each other.

In addition to masks, a good whitening effect has rubbing the skin with ice mummy. In ½ cup milk, dissolve 1 tablet mummy. Freeze and wipe the skin every other day for a month. After this procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing cream.

Infusion of parsley also has bleaching properties. Crush bunch of greens and fill it with 1 cup of boiling water. After cooling strain. Wipe received infusions face twice a day.

Start spending whitening procedures in the winter, when the sun is less aggressive. Masks should be done in the course of 1 month. In the summer of them have to give up and use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 40.

Tags: person, pets, mask