- For oily - serum or yogurt;
- Dry - cream or sour cream;
- Normal - milk or mineral water.
Liquids take that amount to get a lot of consistency of sour cream. Apply on face. Allow to dry for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and apply a mask.
Whitening Mask for oily skin
Beat with a mixer white of one egg and add 1 tsp. Lemon juice. The resulting foam apply on face for 5 minutes. As the drying, apply a new layer. The total duration of the procedure - at least 15 minutes. This mask tightens facial contours, helps to narrow pores.
Moisten a cotton cloth in cabbage pickle and apply it on the face. The duration of the mask - 15-20 minutes.
Mix 50 g of cottage cheese with 1 tsp. Of liquid honey and 1 tbsp. spoon yogurt. Add 2 g of ascorbic acid powder. Apply to face and neck. Rinse off after 15 minutes.
Whitening mask for dry skin
In 50g cheese, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, 1 tsp. honey, a few drops of vitamin A and E (you can squeeze out two capsules "Aevitum"). Apply on face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes.
Mash strawberries or a few raspberries. Add the resulting mash fat sour cream. This mask not only whitens, but also nourishes the skin.
Boil one medium potato in milk, mash it with a fork. Add the mashed 1 tsp. Olive oil and one egg yolk. Mix well and apply on face. Cover with a damp cloth, so that the mass does not dries. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.
For normal and combination skin, you can do any one of the masks. They should be alternated with each other.
In addition to masks, a good whitening effect has rubbing the skin with ice mummy. In ½ cup milk, dissolve 1 tablet mummy. Freeze and wipe the skin every other day for a month. After this procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing cream.
Infusion of parsley also has bleaching properties. Crush bunch of greens and fill it with 1 cup of boiling water. After cooling strain. Wipe received infusions face twice a day.
Start spending whitening procedures in the winter, when the sun is less aggressive. Masks should be done in the course of 1 month. In the summer of them have to give up and use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 40.