How to remove wrinkles at the mouth

How to remove wrinkles at the mouth
 Wrinkles around the mouth often appear in people smiling and love to laugh - nasolabial folds and fine wrinkles in the corners of the mouth makes a woman's face unattractive. To get rid of facial wrinkles, you need to care for the skin of these sections carefully.
 Daily gymnastics trains the facial muscles, improves blood circulation and tightens the muscles of the chin. The greater the variety of movements you will try to show, the more effective will gymnastics. Lighten up, detain them in this position, then quickly release the air - repeat this exercise should be at least 6 times. Pull the lips forward, clasped their straw, pause for a few seconds, then wide smile, revealing teeth - make exercise 8 times. You can simulate the movement of the lips and record muscle tension inflates balloons - use real balls or imagine how you inflate them. Learn to whistle in many ways - it's great trains the muscles around the mouth. Type in the air in the mouth and to urge him on it, puffing and blowing cheeks. Sticks out his tongue as far as possible in advance, and then try to get the tip of the nose, chin finally remove language.

Wrinkles, you can try to remove by means of face masks that have firming and rejuvenating effect. Whisk the egg whites to a froth, add to it a little bit of lemon juice and a pinch of salt - all good move and apply to the skin around the mouth. You can rub the yolk with honey, add the same amount of glycerol or camphor oil, put on the appearance of facial wrinkles sites. Sour cream, carrot juice and grapefruit pulp provide nourishing and smoothing facial wrinkles.

The alternation of hot packs and ice rubdowns stimulates circulation and tones tissues. Gently heat the vegetable oil, soak them a piece of gauze and apply to the skin. Cover the top face with a towel. After 20 minutes, remove the wrap, wipe the skin degreasing lotion and spend on it a few times with a piece of grass ice. Instead of oil, you can use a decoction of oak bark, grape or raspberry juice (fresh berries).

If you have wrinkles around the mouth, you can try to get rid of them with the help of laser resurfacing or chemical peels. Subcutaneous injection of Botox or hyaluronic acid smoothes the wrinkles of any depth, but for maintenance procedures will have to spend each year.

Tags: skin, face, muscle, wrinkle care