How to remove wrinkles

How to remove wrinkles
 Wrinkles reflect a person's character, as indicated on his typical facial expression. In strict and gloomy people appear vertical wrinkles between the brows, while the merry - "crow's feet" around the eyes.
 The first facial wrinkles in emotional women face expressing their feelings, may appear in a rather young age. Deal with such wrinkles should immediately since the advent of small folds in the skin, or they will go deep and get rid of them will be more difficult. In addition to difficult feasible recommendations rarely smile and frown, there are two ways to combat domestic mimic wrinkles: moisturizing and massage.

Necessary hydration and nutrition facial skin can provide creams and serums that contain active substances. They stimulate the production of collagen and make the skin more elastic. As a rule, a set of anti-wrinkle products include day and night activities. They need to apply strictly follow the instructions. Spread a small amount of cream on problem areas and massage them light patting movements. Hydrating can also use vegetable oils such as olive oil or sesame oil.

Smooth facial wrinkles by using the mask of strawberries. Mash a few fresh berries, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of honey and a decoction of chamomile. Mix all to the state of a homogeneous mass, and then apply the mask on your face and leave for 20 minutes. After the procedure, clean the face with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

To get rid of facial wrinkles, perform facial massage. Before the procedure, the problem areas should be moistened with a nourishing cream or vegetable oil. Do not stretch or rub the skin. Crow's feet will remove such exercise. Put your fingers on the outer edge of the eye and close the eyelids. Blink a couple of minutes, pressing lightly with your fingers on the problem area. The elasticity of the cheeks can be returned if the stretch lips into a smile, pressing forefingers nasolabial folds.

In plastic surgery clinic wrinkles can be removed by making corrective surgery on the problem areas of the face. Effective means of rejuvenation can be called Botox injections, which smooth the skin, preventing the natural facial expressions. Before using these radical means to combat wrinkles, you need to weigh the pros and cons, as these procedures expensive and fraught with complications.

Tags: wrinkle