The skin around the eyes requires special, careful maintenance. If wrinkles have already appeared, it will help reduce their special lifting cream for the eye area. Apply them very carefully, without stretching the delicate eyelid skin. It is best to apply the tool on the ring finger (they are the weakest and provide a minimum pressure on the skin), and then gently rub means eyelids.
Successfully fights wrinkles and modern cosmetology. Perhaps this is the best way - to turn to the beautician about the problem. The main methods of combating considered Botox injections, mesotherapy, rejuvenation. Specialist will select the most effective and appropriate method based on the characteristics of your body.
Traditional medicine also offers methods for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Apply to the eyelids cut with grapes - is perfectly nourishes the skin.
The mask of honey will help to "mesh": Melt a tablespoon of honey in a water bath, add a tablespoon for a bunch of flour - the best oatmeal, but the fit and common wheat, add the mixture whipped to a froth protein. Keep on the face mask until it is completely dry. Then rinse.
Can be applied on the eyelids mask of finely chopped parsley - it also helps to smooth wrinkles and sagging skin will help remove a decoction of chamomile, sage and mint, taken in equal proportions.
Do not buy eye cream from unknown manufacturers. It is best to use the tools that are sold in pharmacies. Be sure to apply the cream on the eyelids twice a day, and never go to bed without removing eye makeup, and it is also necessary to remove the special tool for make-up remover. These simple rules not only prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but also help fight those that have already appeared.