The most important rule facials: Obligatory flushing before bed all day makeup. Need to sleep on a low pillow, preferably on the back. Approximately two hours before the night's rest should limit your intake of fluids. Wearing sunglasses in bright sun, even in winter is a precondition for the skin around the eyes.
Very effective means noticeably smoothes the skin under the eyes is the whole milk. Only apply it to properly. The most easy to produce milk ice cubes, which should be cleaned problem areas in the morning and at bedtime.
More effective bread-and-milk mask. To do this, cut into thin slices white loaf and store in the refrigerator. Every morning after waking up cold slices immerse in warm whole milk and put on the skin around the eyes. Even the working woman is not difficult to allocate in the morning 20 minutes of complete rest with a mask over his eyes. The result is shown after the first procedure.
At night stands daily spending power of the skin around the eyes with a mask of parsley, raw grated potato and vegetable oil. Zaparte boiling chopped greens. Broth, potatoes and butter, mix in equal proportions and place on gauze. Cover your skin this lotion so that the gauze layer was on top. Soak for 15 minutes and then do not wash, and carefully remove the remnants of a tampon.
Next, a light touch massage 10 seconds around the eyes. Technique is simple: the left ring finger is necessary to fix the skin on the outside of the left eye and the right ring finger on the lower eyelid to the inner corner of the run and on the upper eyelid to return to the temple. The same must be repeated for the right eye.