If the hairs are rare, they can just pull out a conventional tweezers to adjust the shape of the eyebrows. To reduce pain, pre-wipe the skin above the upper lip ice cube. After the procedure, apply lotion to the skin, slows down hair growth.
Completely without pain to remove mustache, you can use the cream for hair removal. Buy a special cream for the face and follow the instructions. Apply the cream on the area above the upper lip, hold a specified time and remove the special spatula supplied. Similarly, please adhere to the instructions. Overexposed agent on the skin can be very likely get burned.
Remove hairs and significantly slow down their subsequent growth by using the wax. Such procedures are carried in the cabin and in the home. Place the jar with wax in the microwave after removing it from the cover, for the time specified in the instructions to the facility. Check how much the warmed wax special spatula with temperature indicator. It is sold with a wax and special napkins. If the temperature is optimal, apply a very thin layer of wax on the area above the upper lip and attach the top cloth. Smooth cloth lightly pressing down on it with your fingertips and pull sharply in one of its edge. Wax residue collect the same cloth. Lubricate the irritated skin with baby oil or fat cream.
To get rid of unwanted hair, you can use a few trips to the salon for a laser hair removal procedure. The number of sessions you will appoint cosmetologist.
Whichever method you did not use, keep in mind that after any of the above procedures the skin above the upper lip blush and you some time should not be used in cosmetics. It is not necessary to get rid of the antennae directly before an important event, do it in advance.