Care should start with cleansing. Kefir for this is no worse than an expensive lotion. In order to make a cleansing mask, apply to the face with a cotton swab or sponge thin layer of yogurt of any fat. After 5 minutes, it is necessary to take a clean sponge and circular movements begin to wipe the face along the massage lines. During this massage sponge should be changed repeatedly, until the skin is clear. Will only have to rinse it with warm water.
Universal mask for all skin types includes yogurt, cottage cheese and olive oil. The ingredients are taken in proportions such that the composition is not too liquid. You can add a few drops of fresh juice of fruits or berries. 20 minutes after applying the mask onto the face, it is washed off with warm water.
Too sensitive skin can react to yogurt burning sensation. In this case it is better to use for face less acidic foods.
For dry skin type mask kefir manufactured with the addition of any vegetable oil. This may be as olive, sunflower and conventional oil. This composition can be added to the egg yolk, then increase the usefulness of the mask.
Owners of oily skin masks from yogurt to the face should be done with components that will help to remove excess greasiness. Suitable composition wherein yogurt mixed in equal proportions with oat flour. You can get this by grinding the bran in a coffee grinder. Slurry is applied to the face, the skin is massaged for a few minutes, after which the mask is left to dry. The resulting crust wash off with water. Instead of oatmeal can use rice flour. Especially well this mask purifies problem skin, which is prone to acne eruptions.
Also, for oily skin may be prepared from the composition of the protein of whipped egg, mixed with a teaspoon of yogurt and the same amount of honey. The mixture is applied to the face and kept a quarter of an hour. This mask is good for those cases where an urgent need to refresh your skin and bring it in tone.