Under the heading Diet: Cabbage Soup Diet
Scientifically speaking, acne appear on the grounds that the tallow - hair clogged ducts dense layer of sebum and skin flakes. Such formations are calledacne. Acne is not only on the face: cheeks, the chin, the neck, nose, forehead, temples; as well as on the body - on the back, chest and shoulders - a common phenomenon. People who suffer from this so-called disease dream to find effective methods of getting rid of it. But it is difficult to do it, since buying any - any means, we risk our skin even worse, because there is a cream that can not come up to you (you, for example, allergic to it), the whole face can be covered patients with lupus acne. So, before you buy any cream, it is necessary to go to a dermatologist and consult with him, what cream is best suited to your skin type.
Methods for the treatment of acne:
1) Refer to a dermatologist for help, for expert advice;
2) Clean the true skin (use special lotions, foams, scrubs, antibacterial soap) and closely monitored so that the skin does not dry (equipment must be moisturizing and soft);
3) try to eliminate from your diet flour, sweet, roasted and salted; eat more fruits and vegetables; do not drink coffee;
4) Do not use greasy creams that clog the pores, which causes the appearance or increasing the number of spots;
5), observe the shelf life of your cosmetics and its quality.
There are plenty ofmeans and methods to combat acne and acneI will explain to youthe most effective of them:
1) in a vial with salicylic acid is necessary to crush 4 tablets levomitsitin, add 0, 5 teaspoon peppermint liqueur and 1/3 bag of boric acid. All this mixture thoroughly.
2) take 100 grams of baking soda, 100 grams of salt;
In soda add a little water to make a slurry, which must be spread on the face and wash off after 15 minutes. First month do this procedure once a week, after - once a month.
3) to take every morning before eating brewer's yeast. Start with two spoons and a week to bring their number to four. In two weeks you will notice the results that you can not fail to please.
4) daily drink at least 0, 5 liters of yogurt;
5) use the gel "Kuriozin" or "Baziron";
6) Boil water in a pot, then pour it into a kind - a container, throw in a bag of dried chamomile, you can still add the mint, green tea, wait a few minutes, pour the solution into molds for ice. Every morning, wipe it with ice face (
warning: It is necessary to consider again the susceptibility of the skin, as some people after this procedure, the skin get cold, and there are acne patients);
7) after washing in addition to wipe the skin salicylic alcohol;
8) a good way to acne discoloration: wet cotton plate with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and put on the problem areas for 10-15 minutes (this procedure should be implemented on a daily basis);
9) steamed face over the solution of chamomile;
10) to do all sorts of masks, which are sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. After their skin fresh, soft and velvety.
Monitor the health of your skin, because the skin - this dress is that we should be the end of life ...
Author: Irina K.