Get rid of extra pounds. This should be done gradually, at the same time using different masks and lifting cream tightens the skin. Cream, firming skin, should be applied with a thick layer and leave for a while. Masks from dairy products, vegetable oils and mineral water contribute to the skin turgor, its moisture saturation.
The main method of getting rid of double chin is to perform a set of special exercises. Remove double chin, doing exercises from time to time, it is impossible - it is important regularity. Conventional head tilts up and down, turn towards very effective - straining muscles, You pull them, giving prominence to the chin area.
Pronounce vowels, working chin, use the facial muscles. Move the chin forward, straining the muscles of the neck, chin drag to each shoulder with the claims, try to get the chest. Gymnastics for the person to do on a daily basis.
Configure the correct posture - so you get rid of the habit of walking with his head bowed down. Use the advice of our grandmothers - put on his head a heavy book, squared his shoulders and head. If you can regularly visit a cosmetologist - in addition to beauty treatments can achieve good effect massage. Massage movements can be performed independently and - pat you improve blood circulation and tightens the muscles. Align massages and beauty treatments daily - double effect is always preferable.
Water treatments are also shown - a strong jet of water, temperature changes to tighten the skin, improve its elasticity, will remove excess folds.