Begin to take care of the neck it is necessary not only when it exhibits a distinct change and folds, and yet still looks well. Prevent the appearance of wrinkles is much easier than to eliminate existing. The main thing to keep in mind that after 30 years in women absolutely any neck needs special care. Age-related changes occur primarily in the form of the appearance of double chin arising fat and ugly folds, which is popularly referred to as "growth rings". Largely due to adverse changes in the long wrong position of the neck. For most women, while the head is bowed to the chest and neck, respectively, bent and wrinkled position. Habit to keep your head high altitude will not only provide a more physiological position for the neck and shoulders, but also helps to tighten the second chin, to create the right shape oval face and give women more youthful appearance.
Make a neck taut and slender help regular gymnastics. For its implementation does not require much space or time, enough for 15 minutes a day. The exercises consist of various tilt and swivel head. It is important to remember that all movement must be carried out smoothly, without jerks. Otherwise there is a risk of pinched nerve or damage to the cervical vertebrae
Just like facial skin, the skin of the neck needs careful daily care. His main techniques are reduced to the proper cleaning, hydration and nutrition. Cleanse the skin of the neck special cosmetics that wash off with warm, then cool water. Good effect gives daily morning rubbing a piece of ice - cold stimulates the cells of the skin and improves its elasticity.
Because the skin of the neck is usually dry and sensitive, nourishing creams should be chosen with a high moisture content. After 30 years, it's necessary to add vitamin and biocream that stimulate cell renewal of the epidermis. At least once a week to do hydrating mask with a small amount of salt. For home masks can use any fruit and vegetables depending on the season. Nourishes mask containing one egg yolk and a spoonful of honey. Causing the mask to the skin, it must be covered with a warm, wet gauze and lie down with the compress for half an hour. The effect will not be slow to show themselves.
An excellent preventive measure against wrinkles is the massage. Making it very simple: do not need to brush the hair stiff neck massage in a circular motion from the bottom up to the chin. This massage is good smoothes the skin, stimulates circulation and significantly improves elasticity. After the massage the neck is necessary to wash thoroughly with water and grease nourishing cream. The first positive results can be seen within a week of daily activities.
All of the proposed recommendations are very simple and do not require any special knowledge or equipment. The main thing - is perseverance and regularity. And then a beautiful, tightened neck is provided to you for years to come.