In the category Health: Cystitis
Changing the face oval
In some way to blame the Earth's gravity, but is not limited to the age structure of the skin itself is deteriorating. Reduces the production of collagen and elastin, the skin becomes less elastic and flexible, and thus changes the contours of the face, depriving him of his youthful plumpness and fit.
In addition, also slows cell regeneration. Because of these factors (not to mention the harmful effect of the sun, hereditary predisposition and weight fluctuations) skin begins to sag - primarily in the area of the cheeks and jaw.
Sagging skin leads to the expansion of long faces, as if they, too, are stretched. Double chin can also occur because of improper fat deposition. Here is one tip - avoid significant fluctuations in weight and sleep on a flat pillow.
What can be done?
There is no easy way out. Lift sagging skin requires more attention than any other skin problems. Cream with a good moisturizing effect, caused by daily, may refresh the skin and temporarily tighten it.
But it is better to use light gels, heavy greasy creams clog enlarged pores. The best results are obtained by using the so-called "active" cosmetics - the contents of retinol (vitamin A), vitamin C and gidrokislot AHA and BHA.
Usually these substances are in the night creams, promoting skin renewal and compaction.
By the way, you should not place undue expectations on a special "pull-up" cream. They really tighten the skin and improve the oval face, but ... only for a very short period of time.
The fact that these means of liquid removed from the upper layers of the skin, allowing for a few hours, the skin of the neck and chin really looks more elastic. But in the long term, such tools are useless.
To chin longer retain its shape, much more useful to use moisturizing and nourishing creams and masks in the neck and chin. Resolve this problem radically only through surgery, such as liposuction.
If you notice that you have changed the face oval, a second or chin, immediately start to take action. Morning or evening after washing and applying the cream dosome simple exercises:
1. Picking teeth pencil, "write" in the air for at least 10 letters of the alphabet (ideally - with your full name and surname).
2. Rotate your head in all directions, leans her back and pressed his chin to his chest.
3. Taking a shower or holding her head over a sink, a flexible hose massage chin cool or cold water.
Massage can be a contrast - with alternating hot and cold water. Start and finish it must be cold water.
You may need these exercises seem too easy and ineffective, but their constant repetition of every day or every other day brings good results.
On the other hand, excessive enthusiasm gymnastics face and neck massage or aggressive may, on the contrary, lead to the appearance of wrinkles and folds. Moreover, it is proved that the weak muscles of the chin are not the cause of the second chin.
1-2 times a week to do a hydrating mask and compresses the chin, cheeks and neck.
Here It Issimple recipe compress: warm up a little vegetable oil. Best of all olive, almond, sesame, but in a pinch, fit and sunflower. Prepare ice tea - black, green or herbal. Moisten oil linen napkin and place it on the problem areas for 5 minutes. Then 2 minutes replace a cloth soaked in cold tea. Repeat the procedure 5 times, then apply rich cream.
Marina Al-Rabac
Age-related changes of an oval face: is it possible to deal with the problem
Most women are concerned about the appearance of wrinkles, like teenagers - acne. But aging is evident not only in the appearance of wrinkles, but also to change the oval face: sagging skin, the appearance of wrinkles on the neck or double chin. Sometimes these problems manifest themselves even before wrinkles.
Tags: teenager, wrestling, modification, oval