Wrinkles in his youth: how to prevent and how to fight?

Wrinkles in his youth: how to prevent and how to fight?
 In his youth, human skin elastic and tightly stretched, but with age, and under the influence of a certain number of adverse factors, it loses its turgor, and shows the folds and wrinkles. Moreover, it can happen in a fairly early years.

When the face skin does not receive a sufficient amount of moisture it loses elasticity, become dry, sensitive to tension, causing wrinkles appear. In order to prevent their premature appearance of skin care should begin at a young age. It is necessary to use moisturizing creams and gels, which include collagen. Moreover, the skin around the eyes is by no means impossible to put the cream that you use for your face. The skin is particularly thin, and creams intended for persons who can significantly harm her, cause facial wrinkles around the eyes.

The appearance of early wrinkles promotes frequent reduction of facial muscles: the manner of laughing habit to wrinkle forehead or squint your eyes. Therefore, we should try to avoid too frequent reduction of facial muscles, and applying makeup while not screwing up his eyes.

Wrinkles may occur if during sleep a person's head is in the wrong position, for example, sleeping on a high pillow, resulting in a head leans to one side and on the neck and chin wrinkles. The same effect holds sleep on your stomach, after which the skin on your face becomes puffy and stretch. It is better to sleep on a low pillow, on the back - this will promote and good blood circulation and relax the spine.

Long stay in the sun without using sunscreen, rapid temperature changes, the air, its excessive moisture or dryness, as well contribute to the stretching of the skin and the appearance of facial wrinkles. It is therefore necessary to protect themselves from possible mechanical effects of adverse environmental effects and the use of protective creams.

Improper diet, constant stress, infectious diseases lead to the appearance of facial wrinkles, so you need to closely monitor what you eat, greater emphasis on fruits and vegetables, which contain vitamins and substances necessary skin. It is better to abandon the use of products that can bring harm to the body - this is coffee, sweets, cigarettes, they are skin becomes unhealthy appearance and fade much earlier.

Tags: wrinkle, nutrition, youth