Recommendations for correction of various types of facial

Recommendations for correction of various types of facial
 Before filming the various responsible actors usually apply make-up to conceal certain shortcomings of their faces. Knowing some of the secrets of makeup, you can adjust your own person, and then it will look perfect.
 Pretty rare to find a person with ideal features. Closer to the ideal can be, knowing some secrets of makeup that can change the visual appearance of certain types of the human face. First we need to determine what type of individual is yours, oval, rectangular, triangular, circular, diamond-shaped, square or trapezoidal.

For a round face is characterized by poorly defined chin, and the same proportion. The main purpose of makeup in this case - visually lengthen the face and reduce the amount of the cheeks to achieve it, it is necessary to cover the sides of the face blush brown. The closer you apply blush to the chin, the stronger the color should be clarified. To create an even stronger effect of narrowing the person you need to cover basic cheekbones blush in the form of a triangle.

For a square face is characterized by the same proportions of the face (width and length). You need to visually narrow face and smooth out its angular shape. To do this, you can use the natural color shade, covering their forehead and the outlines of the mandible. The main blush cheekbones need to cover in the shape of a triangle, which should be extended to the temples.

In the face of the rectangular length strongly predominates over width, so its owner need to visually expand it, lighten sides face powder. In addition, the need to cover the middle part of the main cheeks blush. If you have too high forehead, you can darken it blush, thus reducing the length of the face.

A clear sign of the triangular faces - a sharp chin and broad upper part. To bring a person in order to darken blush temporal regions of the forehead and chin. Basic need to apply blush slightly higher cheekbones.

Diamond-shaped face is wide enough in the cheeks, so you need to soften angular features. Boca cheekbones need to darken, and blush to put two colors (dark and light). Dark color is applied to allocate part of the cheekbones, and light - on the hollows under the cheekbones to hide them. If you want to emphasize the cheekbones, then change the color in some places.

The trapezoidal shape of the face is characterized by severe lower jaw, which must be visually reduced by additional blush. The main blush cheekbones need to cover in the shape of a rectangle, which should be shaded toward the temples.

Tags: face, style, makeup, support, guidance, correction