How to use oils for face

How to use oils for face
 Oils for the benefit of our skin can not be overemphasized. They nourish, soften, smooth it. Certainly useful and oils for the skin. However, their use should be, knowing your skin type and possible allergic reactions to one or another natural ingredient, which served as a source for cooking oil.

Those who have facial skin is to fatty type, use oils should be balanced. Should pay attention primarily on the ability of the oil to clean, narrow pores, strengthen the immune system of the skin, improve metabolism at the cellular level.

For example, peppermint oil, lemon, rosemary, geranium, juniper and lemon balm good tone oily skin. But soothe and cleanse pores of oil chamomile, lavender, ylang-ylang. Lavender oil and lemon, moreover, have a smoothing effect.

Women with oily skin and begins to use oil, should not scare pustules that appear in a day or two after the first application of oil. So the skin reacts to the removal of traffic jams clogged pores.

Refine your pores cleaned help fennel oil, mandarin, thyme, pine, eucalyptus, marjoram.

People suffering from acne, suitable oils of chamomile, lavender, clove, cedar, bergamot, geranium and incense. They strengthen cell membranes, improve metabolism, relieve inflammation and will have a healing effect on the focus of inflammation.

When dry skin should choose oils that improve regeneration, richly nourish the cells, stimulate metabolism and tones the facial muscles. This olive oil, geranium, orange, jasmine, almond. Visibly smooth out dry skin oils of tea and sandalwood, sunflower, geranium and lavender. Given a person healthy color pink and myrtle oil and jasmine and mandarin.

Normal facial skin suit geranium oil, juniper and lemon (they improve skin turgor), peppermint, lavender and roses (calm), tea tree, orange and lemon (smooth out wrinkles mesh).

With a combined face skin is necessary to clearly distinguish itself in the face area - fatty and dry and apply the oil accordingly, in accordance with the information sounded above.

To care for delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes are considered optimal for use rose oil, almonds, nutmeg, fennel, sandalwood and incense. The latter two are particularly indicated when deep wrinkles.

Apply the oil, be sure to clean skin. When applied and rubbed gently massage the skin in a circular motion and pat.

If you apply oil before going to bed, do not go to bed at once, so as not to stain your pillow. Just hold the oil on your face for 10-15 minutes and remove the remains of a napkin (pat).

Avoid getting oil in your eyes in order to avoid swelling or puffiness.

Oil should not be used on a daily basis, it is enough for 2-3 times a week.

When applying oils visible changes are possible - oily or dry skin became normal in some places. Can change the oil (go to the other).

You can add a few drops of a particular oil in your favorite cream or a face mask, and who are willing to apply at home.

Tags: skin, face, oil, maintenance, application