How to tighten skin

How to tighten skin
 After 35-40 years, many women begin to notice that the facial skin loses its elasticity, because of which gradually changes the shape of an oval face. During this period, a careful skin care, through which you can for a long time to save her young, fresh appearance, prevent the loss of firmness and elasticity.
 Whatever promised manufacturers of cosmetics for the care of aging skin, to preserve her youth with a single "magic" cream impossible. To keep a long time its elasticity, need comprehensive measures systematic care.

First of all, it should be said about the effectiveness of exercises for the face. Exercise not only strengthens muscles, preventing a change in contour, but also make the skin more supple and taut. For a lasting effect need to make it a rule to give the gym every day at least 5 minutes.

To tighten the skin on the chin and neck, it is necessary to perform the following exercise: zaprokinte head back so that you feel that the skin on the neck is stretched. Then pull the lower jaw forward, as if trying to close the upper lower lip. Repeat 15-20 times.

To preserve the elasticity of the skin in the cheeks and cheek useful to perform this exercise: first pull his lips as if trying to whistle, and then drag them into a smile as much as possible, showing teeth. Alternate 20-30 times.

To tighten the skin, should also make time for a massage. You can do light tapping with your fingertips while applying your usual cream. Also has a significant effect massage, which is done using the shower. To do this, you just need to make the maximum water pressure a comfortable temperature and massage so the face and neck. After a week of daily procedures, you'll notice that the skin became more elastic.

And, of course, can not say about facial masks made from natural ingredients at home. You can choose any one you like the recipe or alternate different. Masks to be done twice a week.

In the summer, you can adopt this recipe: the pulp of a ripe tomato knead, add a teaspoon of sour cream. The resulting mixture was applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes. This mask improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles.

Oil mask. Any vegetable oil (olive, peach, grape seed, almond) or a mixture of oils need to be slightly warmed in a water bath and add 1-2 drops of essential oils: Patchouli, fennel, lavender. Moisten the mixture in cotton pads and put on the face, except the eye area and lips. Top cover with compress paper. Rinse off the remaining oil is better than water, and a decoction of herbs such as chamomile, linden and rose hips.

Mask with honey and oatmeal. Take one teaspoon of honey and oatmeal and mix with two teaspoons of milk. This mask will return elasticity of dry skin.

Tags: skin, face care, elasticity