How to remove shine on face

How to remove shine on face
Smooth facial skin with a healthy - this is the dream many women. But not all she seems. Excessive activity of sebaceous glands contributes to the appearance of greasy skin that does not look too attractive. How can you get rid of it?
Oily skin, like any other, requires careful, thoughtful care. It needs cleansing, hydration and nutrition - these are the three main components of quality care.

To cleanse the skin you are ideal moisturizing gel for washing or specially selected soap with a neutral pH. Can be two to three times per week to use a special soft brush for cleaning of clogged pores. After washing, apply a lotion, a part of which there is acetylsalicylic acid. This will help to cope with all sorts of stimuli, as well as slightly dry skin.

Shine of the skin caused by too active sebaceous glands, and to somewhat reduce their activity, you need to follow a special diet, which is useful for the general condition of the body. You need to limit your intake of fatty, spicy, smoked food. You must eat food that contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. List of "healthy" foods known to all: vegetables, fruits, lean meat, poultry, fish, dairy products.

To combat oily skin shine perfectly suited and home facials. They are very easy to prepare and quite effective.

If you want to dry skin, use a regular yogurt. Apply it with a cotton swab on the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. After a rinse with warm water.

To narrow pores on the face and to improve its color, mix egg white with lemon zest and whisk well. The resulting mixture was put on clean skin for about 15 minutes.

To clean the skin, mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 20 g of yeast. Then add a little warm milk and apply on face for 15 minutes.

Remember that after each procedure to be applied to the skin moisturizer persons. It is necessary to open the pores are not clogged again subcutaneous fat.

Tags:skin, face, mask, gloss, care, cleaning