How to remove scars from the face

How to remove scars from the face
 They say the scars adorn men, maybe it is so. But women are any defects that "Beauty" on the face, delivering a lot of grief. If you are affected by this problem, do not hurry to get upset. Modern cosmetic surgery offers a way that can save you from scars.
 On the faces of modern women is reflected very much, and many leaves on them the unpleasant traces. Bad ecology, stress, chronic fatigue, injury, added women to "his kindness" bags and puffiness under the eyes, blemishes, wrinkles, scars, scars. By conventional cosmetics to get rid of these effects on the skin is not possible, only slightly flatten them. For a radical solution to the problem requires a corresponding intervention.

Modern cosmetic medicine offers ladies for Beauty efficient way - face laser resurfacing. This method can save you not only from the consequences of injury or unsuccessful cosmetic procedures, but also make your face younger and more attractive.

In addition to removing scars, scars, blemishes, freckles, laser resurfacing with success "erases" burn marks and tightens oval face.

Laser resurfacing may be performed once or multiple sessions, you will see the effect very soon. After polishing the facial skin becomes significantly younger disadvantages disappear and visually woman loses five to seven years.

Session grinding is performed under local or general anesthesia, the laser beam is governed by the rule: the more serious the problem is, the more powerful beam. Due to its effect begins to actively regenerate skin cells young, with a high content of collagen.

The recovery period runs quietly enough and lasts for two weeks. During this time, decreases swelling, complexion normal, no trace of intervention remains.

Laser resurfacing - it is not a therapeutic procedure, it is a real cosmetic surgery. By its application, there are several contraindications: acute chronic diseases, skin diseases, herpes virus infection, diabetes mellitus. Also, grinding can give side effects - may appear pigmented spots or diffuse fibrosis. Before you decide on laser resurfacing, consult a physician.

Tags: face, scar, scar