How to reduce bags under the eyes

How to reduce bags under the eyes
 Bags under the eyes - a problem for many women. It affects both ladies aged and young girls. This is often caused by a variety of factors: lack of sleep stress, bad habits (smoking, alcohol). How to get rid of this disease and to maintain a fresh and youthful appearance?
 Observe mode. Lack of sleep is one of the main causes of bags under the eyes. Sleep at least eight hours per day. The pillow must be high and dense, but moderately. Watch the amount of liquid you drunk. Swelling arise not only from a surplus, but also from lack of moisture. Approximate daily rate of fluid per person equals one and a half or two liters. Avoid excessive consumption of salty foods as salt retains moisture in the body.

Care for most skin around the eyes. Use special moisturizing cream for eyelids, gels, lotions and tonics containing oil, collagen and other substances that are useful for this type of sensitive skin. Some of these agents enhance their effectiveness, if they are pre-cooled, for example, hold in the refrigerator.

Pamper your eyes sometimes different natural masks. There are many recipes for natural masks that are easy to make yourself at home. For example, mix two teaspoons of fat sour cream 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley, mix and apply the mixture on the skin around the eyes, avoiding contact with the eyes themselves.

One of the oldest, but effective means - welding. Soak a cotton pad strong brewed tea (of course, pre-cooled) and attach to the eye for a few minutes. Instead, you can use tea camomile tea.
Try using ice. Make a few cubes in the freezer, remove it, wrap it in a handkerchief and briefly in turn attach to the skin under the eyes, but not to the eyes! Ice stimulates blood circulation, thereby swelling subsides. If none of the above means you do not help, you should consult a beautician.

Tags: bag eye means