How to get rid of wrinkles folk remedies

How to get rid of wrinkles folk remedies
 First wrinkles are barely visible and more closely resemble Just noticeable facial dash. However, this is enough to start an intensive skin care. It is not necessary to resort to the services of a cosmetologist. There are enough recipes for masks and creams made from natural products that can rejuvenate the face.
 To relax the skin and muscles of the face before applying the mask or cream, wash using the funds corresponding to the type of skin. Further, for 1-2 minutes apply to face a linen cloth soaked in hot water. This will enhance the absorption of nutrients.

To nourish the skin, use a mask of boiled peas, beans, corn, pumpkins, potatoes, spinach and parsley in combination with dairy products, honey and butter. If the skin needs whitening, add them currants, gooseberries, cucumber or lemon. To mitigate - strawberries, strawberry, raspberry and peach fruit. To narrow pore - quinces, pomegranates, cranberries, or egg white. For humidification - grapes, raspberries and strawberries. When Just noticeable wrinkles make a mask once a week, and at deeper - daily.

After any mask put on a skin cream. To make it, select any available prescription. Chopped zest of 3 lemons pour a glass of boiling water. After 8 hours of infusion strain. Connect infusion with honey and vegetable oil (1 tsp), and the juice of 3 lemons 2 tablespoons cream and cologne. Store in the refrigerator. Before applying to the skin, warm the cream with your fingertips.
Grind 25 g of butter chicken egg yolk, honey and chopped fruits of mountain ash (all 1 tablespoon). Add the resulting mixture 15 ml of camphor spirit. Store in a cool place.
Mix 2 tablespoons strawberries and strawberry with the same amount of melted bone marrow, 1 teaspoon honey and vegetable oils. In the thoroughly mixed, add dropwise 1 tbsp camphor alcohol.

Once a week to do a compress of herbal concoctions. Especially useful mother and stepmother, sea buckthorn, chamomile, yarrow. Moisten a linen cloth in warm infusion and apply to face for 10 minutes. And to keep warm oilcloth cover it (with holes for the eyes and nose) and a towel.

On some parts of the face (with pronounced wrinkles) make paraffin mask. Heat the wax in a water bath to a temperature of 100 ° C. Cool to 50-60 ° C. Apply to the skin with a broad brush (for painting or masking). At intervals of 10 seconds, apply 2 more layers of wax, and then cover it with oilcloth, cotton and bandage for 20 minutes. After removing grease skin cream. Repeat every other day for 1, 5 months. Do not spend paraffin hypertension, bleeding tendency and damaged skin.

As one of the causes of wrinkles is the destruction of proteins - collagen and elastin, take vitamins necessary for their education. Namely, E, A, C, E and group B, as well as sulfur and zinc. And other than that for a month every day to eat in the morning - 1 tsp honey and 5 kernels, and in the evening - 5 tbsp oatmeal soaked in 5 tbsp water. These products contain a complete set of all necessary nutrients for the skin. Drink green tea, broth hips and water. Avoid black tea and coffee. These drinks are strongly dehydrate the body and make the skin dry.

Do not make the fruit, paraffin mask and hot compresses with increased hair growth on the face or vasodilation. To prevent wrinkles, avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, washing rigid chlorinated water, nervous and physical stress, physical inactivity, smoking, dehydration, eating fatty, fried foods and unnatural.

Tags: skin, face, tool, mask, wrinkle, compress, nutrition, care, education, hot