Feysforming - charging for the face

Feysforming - charging for the face
 A growing number of both women and men, and almost all ages, go to gyms and playgrounds, jogging and cycling. There is another set of exercises, beating records of popularity. This feysforming - exercises for the face.
 It is believed that the special exercises for the face were invented back in the 30s of the last century English dancer Eva Hoffman, in the 70 years they have been summarized in the book Eva Fraser "10-minute program for the skin and muscles." The very same term "feysforming", which translates to English as "the formation of the face" to his set of exercises gave Italian journalist Benita Kantieni. Today there are so many kinds of exercises for the face and neck.

As in a conventional gym, first is easy workout. Stand up straight, hands on the waist, look in front of you and gently tilt your head to the left, then right, as if trying to reach the ear to the shoulder. Now alternate head turns to the right and to the left, drag the chin to shoulder. Complete workout circular movements of the head to one side or the other.

Go to the main complex. Sit on the edge of a chair, straighten your back, straighten shoulders. Look in front of you and gently pull the lower jaw forward a few seconds quietly go back. Now touch your fingertips to the corners of the mouth and slowly begin to smile, can help themselves account. Corners of the mouth slowly rise, and you feel like your muscles tense up.

Pausing for a few seconds, gently turning back. Now fingertips touch your index and middle on both sides of the corner of his eyebrow, push on them and nasupte eyebrows Freeze for a few seconds and relax. Now along the nasolabial folds, place your index fingers, and now at the expense of not helping yourself with your fingers, lift the muscle up, pause for a few seconds and return to starting position.

Each of these exercises to be performed 5-10 times, preferably every day. Feel free to supplement their program feysforminga new exercises. This facial gymnastics will be useful to both women and men; and the sooner it begin, the less will have to make efforts to achieve the desired result.

By the way, to preserve youthfulness of your face will not only special gymnastics - feysforming. Experts advise to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face and neck does not go into the bright sunshine without a broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Remember that sharp fluctuations in weight - this is the worst enemy of the skin; exercise regularly; try to correct and healthy eating; Give up smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Pay attention to yourself and your health, you'll enjoy yourself and look great, and associates it instantly notice.

Tags: person exercises, exercise, gymnastics, feysforming