Face masks of vegetables

Face masks of vegetables
 Use huge and vegetables contained therein to receive the vitamins can not only by ingestion. Vegetable face masks do not work as effectively as nourishing and moisturizing the skin. A further advantage of such masks in that the ingredients for them can be found in almost every kitchen.
 Face masks of vegetables have different functions, cleaned, bleached, tone. For each type of skin you can pick up your necessary for its state fruit. Apply these face masks can be daily, alternating compositions.

Recipes masks from vegetables

Whitening skin, reduce the occurrence of pigment spots and freckles used fresh cucumber juice. Squeezed through cheesecloth from crushed grated cucumber juice moistened wipes, which are cut slits for the eyes, and laid out on the face.

For a similar recipe can make a mask for dry or peeling sensitive skin. Cucumber juice mixed with oat flour until the consistency of sour cream, and then applied to the face. Lightly massaged into the skin for 5 minutes, after which the composition is maintained on the face of a further 15 minutes. Washed off with cool water.

To supply dry skin facial mask is prepared from vegetables, which are used as the cabbage and carrots. They are rubbed on a fine grater and mix with a teaspoon of sour cream and honey.

Mask to hydrate the skin is made of mashed potatoes, to which is added a teaspoon of cream.

Mask for wrinkles is made from mashed potatoes, to which is added a teaspoon of chopped raw carrots or carrot juice.

From raw potatoes to make a mask for the struggle with bags under his eyes. To do this, rubbed mashed laid out on a piece of gauze, which are kept for 10 minutes on the skin under the eyes. This mask tones the skin and smoothes wrinkles.

Suitable for oily skin mask of fresh parsley. For it takes a teaspoon of minced raw, to which is added the same amount of lemon juice and yogurt.

Terms of cooking vegetable masks

After chopping vegetables vitamins are stored for a short time, especially rapidly decreases the amount of vitamin C. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the mask immediately before use. They have been applied to clean skin, duration of use about a quarter of an hour.

Tags: face mask, vegetable