Cold calculation: take care of the person in the winter

Cold calculation: take care of the person in the winter
 The most difficult to care for the skin in the winter, because it is very harmful frost and wind, as well as permanent changes in temperature when you leave the house in the snowy street and come back. Furthermore, central heating makes indoor air is very dry and the skin requires additional moisture.

If it's bitter cold, replace the morning washing wiping face with cotton. Moisten with broth chamomile or series or milky lotion. In any case, after washing must pass at least an hour before you go outside. Scrub or exfoliation, use no more than once a week, so as not to dry up the skin, otherwise it can answer your burning and red spots.


Winter time buy creams containing protecting fats: lanolin, glycerin, Syrian, as well as vitamins A, C and E. Day cream apply not later than 35-40 minutes before going out into the cold.

To keep the skin soft and young eyelids and lips, every day is dedicated to them a few minutes. Freeze the reconstituted milk mixed with water and wipe the skin around the eyes in the morning and evening. In the evenings, make for a century gadgets from milk and sage infusion (from milk - warm, sage - cold). Start with warm lotion, cold finish. 5-6 alternations before bedtime can help you tighten the skin around the eyes and get rid of "crow's feet".

Also eyelids can be mitigated with olive or almond oil, causing it at bedtime. A few minutes after the application of pat the skin tissue. Another effective remedy: two bags of tea after brewing cool and put on the eyes, hold for 10 minutes.

Lip buy special nourishing creams and medicated balms, especially if they appear cold sore and cracked. Always use lipstick or shine.


Under the influence of weather and dry indoor air very zasushivat skin, so it is necessary to constantly moisturize. However, this should only use the latest wetting agents that enhance the fat layer of the skin and prevents the evaporation of the liquid from the surface. In such creams should include ceramides, transporting moisture binding substances - collagen, elastin, series, hyaluronic acid.

However, experienced beauticians do not recommend the use of even the best moisturizers on frosty days. If -30 ° C to your area - normal temperature, use only nourishing cream and powder as a tone means. Makeup and beauty treatments are conducted not later than one hour before the release of the frost.

Tags: skin, face, tool, young, care, payment, age, use of