Steam bath: facial cleansing at home

Steam bath: facial cleansing at home
 "Beauty requires sacrifice! "In the first place, as a rule, financial sacrifices. Everyone wants to be beautiful, but not everyone has the opportunity to use the services of beauty salons. And the time to carve out to visit a cosmetologist is not always possible. But in fact, sacrifice can be minimized, if you learn how to carry out some cosmetic procedures on their own, at home. Such activities include, in particular, steam bath for the face. It will not take much of your time, but the effect will literally "face."

To carry out a purification procedure is best in the evening - before going to bed. Frequency of application depends on your skin type. Fat can soar once a week, and dry - no more frequently than once every two weeks. Normal skin is enough to make a steam bath once every 10 days, fading as once a month or even once every two months.

The process itself is carried out without any particular difficulty. Pre-wash your face with soap and water or clean with cleansing milk. On the eyelids and under the eyes, apply a nourishing cream. Take a small pan or bowl, fill it with hot water - 70-80 degrees, if you want to add back the essential oils or herbal few spoonfuls. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the steam - but not too low so as not to get burned and not to burst blood vessels.

The procedure is as follows: for oily skin for 15-20 minutes, for a normal - 10-15 minutes to dry and aging - 5-10 minutes.

Steam Bath promotes good disclosure then for further purification and supply. Masks and creams applied to the skin steamed act effectively. Easier to remove blackheads and dark spots, scars resolve.

After the procedure, wash with cool water and wipe the face with lemon juice diluted with water or a soothing lotion. Oily skin can be wiped with a piece of gauze or a bandage soaked in hydrogen peroxide - it will help remove dark spots. Also, a mask may be applied to enhance the cleaning effect. Rinse off the mask should also cool water, then wipe the skin with ice cubes. Half an hour after the steam procedure lubricate the face nourishing cream.

Contraindications for steam baths are high blood pressure, dilated blood vessels, bronchial asthma. Carefully to relate to a couple, if you fade or very sensitive and excessively dry skin, as well as the presence of irritation or skin diseases.

Winter steam bath should be done less often, and in any case not before leaving the house. But in the summer they are most effective, and for all skin types - clean it, not only acne, but from dust, dirt and excess sebum.

If particularly dirty, use herbal teas at the rate of a tablespoon of mixture per liter of water. Bath with plantain, burdock, calendula, marjoram are good for oily skin. For dry and aging skin fit chamomile, marshmallow, rose, lime. Will be useful also added to the water 8-10 drops of essential oils - eucalyptus, clove, ginger. The use of herbs and oils not only promotes better cleaning and softening the skin but also calms the nervous system, and also helps with headaches and colds.

Tags: person, pets, condition, bath, cleaning, bath, contraindication