How to remove blood vessels on the face

How to remove blood vessels on the face
 Dilated capillaries, tread on the skin surface, forming the so-called vascular network. This process occurs due to circulatory disorders of the skin, which is the direct cause of the loss of the ability to expand or narrow capillaries under the influence of a temperature.
 To combat the severe vascular net on the face using a few techniques. Apply laser therapy. The laser has a thermal effect, which occurs when the selective destruction of the container without changing the structures of the surrounding tissues. With this method, vascular grid disappears, but the elasticity of blood vessels does not change, so laser therapy can be considered as a temporary means.

Capillaries of the skin condition improves exercise and facial masks made from natural ingredients. In order not to provoke the appearance of dilated capillaries on the face, avoid the temperature difference, visit saunas, sunbathing and abandon the use of alcohol and spicy food.

There are several exercises to improve elasticity of blood vessels of the skin, each of which is recommended for at least 6 times a day.

1. Attach the palm to both sides of the head and energetically lower and raise the skin on the sides.

2. Fill mouth air and pump it in your mouth, like a ball, massaging the lips and cheeks from the inside - to strengthen the muscles of the cheeks.

3. Train the bottom of the central muscle T-shaped zone face - pursed lips, wrap them in to their disappearance, alternately raising and lowering the corners of the lips and hold this position.

4. Close your eyes, clenched eyelids open and then narrowed his eyes a few times, and then open them wide and hold in this position for some time.

5. "play" the scalp so that each ear separately, and then both together stretched upwards and backwards, holding them in this position.

6. Lift the chin and stretch the muscles of the neck and chin.

To improve the elasticity of capillaries and get rid of vascular network using masks with organic vegetables and fruits. Use them twice a week.

 Whisk one raw egg and add 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed grape juice. Wipe the face with the mixture using a cotton pad, after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

 Grate a raw potato on a fine grater, add 1 tablespoon of honey and warm milk. The resulting mush apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

 Applying various exercises and facials, keep in mind that to improve the elasticity of the skin capillaries body needs fresh air and proper nutrition. Therefore, a daily walk for 40-60 minutes, and in the diet including fresh fruits, vegetables and multivitamins.

Tags: person, vessel, grid expansion, therapy, capillary