How to help the skin around the eyes, allergy-prone

How to help the skin around the eyes, allergy-prone
 The skin around the eyes should provide special care. Allergic reactions, irritation, itching, flaking most often exposed to sensitive skin, so by all means should be chosen carefully.  
 Allergic reactions to sensitive skin - is the rule rather than the exception. Irritation, itching, redness, and peeling may start from dust, wind, heat, cold, poor quality of the water used in washing, by incorrectly selected carcasses, foam or gel, cream around the eyes. Allergic reactions occur within 48 hours after exposure to the allergen. Beauticians are advised to pick up the skin around the eyes, which is prone to allergic reactions, care for sensitive skin with anti-inflammatory components. Once picked the right tool, you should not change it. Any change can lead to allergies, itching and irritation.

For care use funds for which there is a note that they are designed for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions and sold labeled "hypoallergenic." The same method of choice should be guided when buying makeup. Pay special attention to the selection of eye cream, makeup remover, mascara, shadows. Safest to buy cosmetic products after consultation with a dermatologist, cosmetologist. Pre-test and the skin on the basis of the results will give a recommendation for the selection of cosmetics. The cream for the care of the area around the eyes should include allantoin - an anti-inflammatory component with a protective effect.

Tap water can cause a severe allergic reaction. For washing, you can use pure spring or filtered water. In a pinch, you can use boiled water.

During the day, several times sprinkled skin thermal water. This will help prevent drying and reduce the sensitivity to adverse environmental factors.

Tags: Eye, skin, allergies, care