How to get rid of the morning of bags under the eyes

How to get rid of the morning of bags under the eyes
 Sometimes in the morning, looking in the mirror, we see the bags under the eyes. This cosmetic defect is considered one of the first signs of aging. In most cases, they are formed due to fluid retention in the body, conducting improper diet and lifestyle in general.
 In an effort to remove swelling under the eyes is first necessary to establish a regime of diet and sleep. No need to load up at night, drink plenty of fluids. Give up drinking and too salty foods. Try to get enough sleep, and before you go to bed, ventilate the room. Fresh air improves metabolism and provides a healthy and sound sleep.

The skin around the eyes requires special care. Should not acquire too active moisturizers. Such means to retain a large amount of liquid skin and cause edema. After applying a night cream after 1-2 hours it is desirable to remove residues with a facial tissue.

The easiest way to get rid of bags under the eyes in the morning is a regular massage century ice cubes. This procedure saturates the upper layers of the epidermis necessary moisture, thus preventing premature wrinkles and also leads the small muscles in tone and do not allow them to sag.

It is useful to contrast water therapy, such as alternate ice massage with warm compresses of chamomile decoction. You can make a mint compress. For this 2 tablespoons mint brew 2 cups boiling water and cook on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Then cooled to room temperature, filtered broth, impregnated cotton swabs every two or three minutes in a warm solution and applied to the eyes. And since several times.

Sometimes the bags under the eyes appear in the second phase of the menstrual cycle and before critical days. In this case, these days you can take diuretics: cranberry juice, diuretic charges decoction of cranberry leaf.

Quite effective in this fight is the use of sleeping bags with tea brewing. Available in their composition tannins stimulate muscle tone and vasoconstrictor properties. Compress is applied to closed eyes for 10-15 minutes. As a result, the skin looks refreshed, reduces redness and swelling around them eliminated.

Excellent tool for removing the swelling under the eyes - parsley. From it you can prepare compresses, lotions and masks. Masks are used for finely grated roots of the plant. Make a meal of them, which is applied to the eyes for 20 minutes. Effectively applied and parsley leaves. In the evening chop them, pour boiling water and infuse for an hour. In the morning, make gadgets for ever.

Vegetable masks play an important role in eliminating puffiness and bags under the eyes. For the preparation of masks, in addition parsley, potatoes and actively apply cucumber. Fresh mush wrapped in gauze and applied to the lower eyelid for 10-15 minutes. Upon completion of the face is rinsed with cold water, and the problem area a thin layer of nourishing cream.

All procedures are quite simple and easy to use. They do not take up a lot of time, which is very important in the morning. As a result, the skin looks fresh, taut.

Tags: bag, eye, morning, skin care