How discolor hair over her lips

How discolor hair over her lips
 Such conventional for men hair on the upper lip in women cause tears and incredible suffering in the struggle with nasty mustache. Constant plucking with tweezers only enhance growth, and the hair is coarser and darker. Therefore, the most effective method to hide the not very nice gift of nature is the lighting.

First of all, you must know the reason for this increased hair growth on the upper lip. This may be a violation of the hormonal balance in the body after surgeries and hormone treatment, due to the onset of menopause. Timely access to a doctor and receive prescription drugs get everything back to normal.


If the appearance of antennae preceded heredity, it is recommended to remove them in beauty salons one of the modern methods of hair removal. But not everyone can afford an expensive procedure. Out of the situation - discolor hair above the lip.


Before applying any lightening composition should carefully read the instructions and to test for allergic reactions. To do this, apply a little cleaning agent onto the back of your wrist. In the case of redness and swelling on the selected composition will have to give.


Can discolor hair with hydrogen peroxide or special lightening cream sold in stores. To avoid burns from hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to rub the skin moisturizer. In the ready sets, except for a mild effect on the skin, in the lightening cream contains substances with regular use thinning hair and gradually stopping its growth.


Following the package insert instructions, you just need to mix the components of the set and apply on hair. After 10 minutes of exposure all the warm water rinse. If the selected aqueous bleaching solution of hydrogen peroxide, it is more convenient to add it in shaving cream. After a half-hour period of time rinse and apply a nourishing cream.


In case of unsatisfactory result, after 2-3 days to reassess treatment. Those who have very sensitive thin skin, instead of the above procedure is recommended daily to wipe the hair above the lip with an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. And soon will be invisible antennae.

Tags: hair, lip, woman peroxide