Gymnastics for preserving youth face

Gymnastics for preserving youth face
 With age, the skin on the face loses its elasticity and firmness, whereby there are wrinkles and contour changes. Preserve youth and beauty of your skin as long as possible will help creams with moisturizers and collagen, and more - special gymnastics, strengthens and tightens the muscles.
 Gymnastics for the person gives the same effect as any other - the muscles are tightened and the skin looks firmer. It allows you to maintain a clear face and warn before the appearance of wrinkles.

Gymnastics brought to good effect, it must be done on a daily basis, with classes for 10-15 minutes. The skin on the face must first be cleaned of cosmetics. And do the exercises should be performed slowly and carefully, as the skin is quite thin face and gentle. Exercises should start from the forehead, gradually descending to the neck.


Squeeze your fingers to his forehead, and providing them the resistance, try to raise eyebrows. Fix this position for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times.

Place the tip of your index finger to the base of eyebrows and try to frown, providing resistance with your fingers. Then relax for a few seconds and repeat. This will get rid of brow wrinkles.


To prevent the appearance of "crow's feet", close your eyes and press your middle fingers to the outer corners of eyes, slightly pulling the skin to the temples. Then try to open them gently, fixing the position for 5-10 seconds.


Attach the middle and index finger to the corners of the lips and slowly pull them into the kiss, trying to overcome resistance fingers. This exercise will help make the contour of the lips clearer.

Oval face

Put your elbows with clenched fists on the table and put his chin on them. Overcoming the resistance of the kulaks, try to open his mouth, holding the position for half a minute. Then relax and repeat 10 times.


Help strengthen neck muscles following exercise. Put your hands on the back of the head to the castle, and providing them resistance zaprokinte head back slightly. This will keep the skin elastic, not only in the neck, but in the upper chest.

Tags: person, exercise, gymnastics, youth, preservation, skin care