Blue clay mask for oily skin

Blue clay mask for oily skin
 In the blue clay no bacteria, in addition, it has the property of absorbing toxins and kill disease-causing microbes. Therefore, the use of blue clay in the treatment of problem skin is quite effective.

To achieve therapeutic effect, this procedure must be carried out for 10 days daily. Take 60 g of blue clay and mix it with 9% vinegar. Should get the consistency of thick cream. Using fingertips, apply a clay face, close the cheesecloth and leave for half an hour. Rinse the mask is not very hot water, without wiping the skin with a towel.

Fill with water a couple of tablespoons of blue clay, the mixture should be like sour cream. Add the egg yolk, olive oil (a few drops), squeeze a couple of spoons of lemon juice or the same tablespoons of chamomile decoction. Mask put on the face, it should be washed off after about 15 minutes. If not available all the above components, the clay can be added one.

Prepare a tincture on medicinal herbs. It should consist of sea-buckthorn berries, mint, dandelion, chamomile flowers, yarrow and rose hips. Gauze, folded several times, dip in the infusion, mixed with clay. Apply a compress on your face and wait until it cools down. Procedure was repeated three times.

Mix the powder blue clay with egg white and half baking soda, mix all ingredients. The mask should get a paste-like consistency. Apply it on the face and after 10-15 minutes wash with cool water.

Take zinc oxide (2 g), talc (25 g) and blue clay (10 g). Mix all the ingredients with water to form a creamy paste. The mask should be on the face for about 15 minutes, rinse it with a damp cotton swab.

Connect a teaspoon of honey with milk (three tablespoons) and blue clay (three teaspoons). The resulting mask, apply a dense layer on the skin, after cleaning it. Rinse off after 20 minutes.

To prepare the next use white clay mask (a teaspoon), borax (a quarter of a teaspoon), half a teaspoon of talc and magnesium carbonate (3/4 teaspoon). The mixture should be diluted with hydrogen peroxide (3%) to get a paste. Apply it on the face and neck. Hold for 15 minutes. It is necessary to take off the mask, using a dry swab of cotton wool. The effectiveness of such masks increases, if applied after a compress of herbal teas.

Tags: skin, face, mask, care, clay, Blue