Ambulance for puffy eyes

Ambulance for puffy eyes
 For many women know the situation, when swollen eyes in the morning, sometimes quite strongly. This can happen if you were crying at bedtime or drink plenty of fluids. Swollen eyelids spoil the look, so you should take steps to reduce swelling or remove it altogether. For this you need a little time in the morning.

To begin to freshen the face and eyelid skin contrasting washing. Within 2-3 minutes Wash alternately hot and cold water. You should not rub the eyelids, so you can easily injure their delicate and thin skin. Better during washing to perform light patting motion for centuries fingertips.

If you have in the freezer frozen ice cubes, you can apply any other contrasting procedures. Prepare ice and boiling water brew tea bags without aromatic additives. You can also use black, and green tea.

Alternately apply for 1-2 minutes warm bags to the eyes, and then during the same time wipe the eyelids with ice cubes. The ice is better to use cosmetic. Also suitable for freezing mineral water and herbal teas herbs (eyebright, chamomile, St. John's wort).

Then you can proceed to the gym for the eyes. Exercise will not only strengthen the eye muscles, but will remove swelling of the eyelids.

- Turn the pupils in a circle clockwise and then counterclockwise. After that, look alternately up and down, left and right.
- Strong zazhmurte eyes and then widely Open your their. Repeat several times.
- Quickly blinked for 15 seconds. Repeat several times.

Good massage relieves swelling of the eyelids. It can be done after the gym. Massage is only percussive movements fingertips. Do they need to be in the following areas: the upper eyelid - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, lower eyelid - from the outer to the inner corner.

Once the measures have been taken, brew yourself a cup of green tea with lemon or honey. He has a laxative effect and will quickly bring the excess fluid from the body. There is also a diuretic include tools such as bearberry, cranberry leaf, birch buds. You can make tea with a decoction of them if you do not have allergies or other contraindications.

Before leaving the house in the eye drops drip Vizin, they remove redness and moisturize the eyeball. If redness in the eyes or strong they fester, better anti drip drop, for example, sulfacetamide.

For the prevention of puffy eyes, drink a lot of fluids the night. If you do a lot of crying, put a pillow higher and make tea for the night lotion on her eyes.

Tags: eye care, ambulance, age