Sensitive skin of the face: the right care

Sensitive skin of the face: the right care
 May give the impression that irritates sensitive skin everything: she blushes after washing ordinary tap water starts to peel off after contact with a face cream and other cosmetic products. In addition, it reacts to stimuli such as cold, bad ecology and the scorching sun.

How to calm a very sensitive skin

Like any other facial skin, sensitive skin in need of purification, nutrition, toning and moisturizing. And because no suitable cosmetics can not do.

Cosmetics for sensitive skin, except for moisturizing and nourishing components should contain soothing agents. As a rule, the components of a calming effect include oil of chamomile and calendula extract, licorice, etc. But this does not mean that if the cream for sensitive skin contains additives to relieve irritation, it necessarily suitable for your skin. It is very capricious sensitive skin.

It is recommended that a night cream contains natural oils, because it is the oil for sensitive skin to help soothe her, intensely moisturize and nourish the beneficial substances.

Creams containing aromatic oils before the first use should be tested on the wrist at least 12 hours.

It is important to remember that sensitivity can be any skin, for example, oily or sensitive skin dry. Causes many manifestations of this nature: spicy food, overdried indoor air, deep facial cleansing, etc. To help in this case can come best cosmetics for sensitive skin - means cooked at home.

Home cosmetics for sensitive skin

Well relieves irritation broth horsetail. It should take 5 tablespoons chopped dry grass and pour them a liter of water. Bring the solution to a boil, then simmer for another 7-10 minutes on low heat. Then insist broth another 27-30 minutes. The cooled solution was filter and wash your skin is inflamed them.

To care for sensitive skin do not recommend the use of harsh peels and hardened mask, for example, clay.

Wonderfully refreshing apricot-peach mask. Clean one fetus from the skin, and the flesh with a fork crush or grind in a blender. Combine 1 teaspoon of gruel olive oil and 1 tablespoon starch. Cover your skin with this mixture and leave for 18-20 minutes.

When peeling is very good milk-rice mixture cosmetic. This cream recipe is as follows: Mix 1 tsp glycerol with 1 tsp milk and 1 tsp rice starch. The mask should be applied to irritated areas at night and in the morning rinse the mixture herbal extract.

Tags: face, feature, leather, mask, care