Mask tightens pores: recipes at home

Mask tightens pores: recipes at home
 Despite the fact that cosmetologists say the least problematic skin prone to aging, as the wrinkles on it formed much later than on dry of its owner has to face a lot of problems. Chief among them - enlarged pores, which collects grease and dirt, causing inflammation. Completely transform the skin is not possible, however, to improve her condition really, if you type in the rule not only to thoroughly clean the face, but also on a regular basis to make masks.
 Because sebum, excessive amount generated glands, accumulates it in the pores and stretches them much more, not only masks the problem in narrowing pores, but also in reducing the fat content of the skin. Mask tightens pores, diverse in its composition, so the components for them can be found at any time of the year.

Absorbs excess fat cosmetic clay. For oily skin, white suit, and for problematic and prone to inflammation - red and pink. Make a similar mask is quite simple, it is only necessary to dissolve in the mineral water is the amount of kaolin to a mixture of density reminiscent of sour cream. The composition is kept on the face for fifteen minutes, not allowing complete drying, which can lead to excessive tightness of the skin.

No less effective in reducing pore size fruits and vegetables. The most affordable poppy face made from fruit pulp orange and lemon, mixed in equal proportions. This vitamin mask not only tightens pores, but also nourishes it with vitamins, but also acts as a light exfoliating natural fruit acids.

Pores egg white, beaten to a state of foam, to which is added a few drops of lemon juice. This mask has been known since ancient times and has been used successfully to improve oily skin even in the middle of the last century. You can make a mask even more diverse, experimenting with additions to the protein foam. The beneficial influence all fruits that contain large amounts of vitamin C. It cranberries, black currants, strawberries, sea buckthorn. If the mask turns watery, then it is possible to put a little starch. Of a mixture of starch and chopped tomato pulp can also be obtained mask tightens pores, smoothes and nourishes the skin.

Soothe inflammation masks based on herbs. Astringent effect have linden flowers, which are filled with boiling water and digested over low heat until the consistency is not yet begin to resemble a meal. This mixture in the form of heat is applied to the skin.

Choosing ingredients for masks, we must remember that the visible result will come no earlier than a couple of weeks after the start of the regular use of masks, which are applied to the face must be at least 3 times a week.

Tags: person, pets, condition, pore mask, cooking, recipe