How to tighten the chin

How to tighten the chin
 Beautiful oval face, a clear outline of the chin - to achieve this is not so difficult. To do this, you just desire to preserve her youth and beauty, and a few minutes a day to strengthen the core muscles responsible for the "skeleton" of the face, and keep them in good shape.
 Clear oval face, elastic collections - the dream of every woman. Translate it into reality is not difficult, if timely start prevention "sagging". And should first rule out underlying reasons for the double chin. These include the excessive use calorie food, gain, or rapid weight loss. The habit of sleeping on a high pillow also adversely affects the oval face.

Remove sagging chin in several ways: to apply to a plastic surgeon to begin to perform simple exercises to train the muscles or use homemade recipes of our grandmothers. Operation method, of course, is easier, but to resort to it is only in the most extreme cases.

To combat the second chin is good to use a special charge, helps to strengthen the lower facial muscles. It's enough to remember a few basic exercises. Sit back and slowly start to pull her head back to back. Roth thus should be closed. Seconds after ten or fifteen return to starting position. Do this exercise five to ten times.

Sit on a chair. Put your hands in front of him. Chin on hands and overcoming resistance, try to open your mouth.

Stand comfortably. Stick out your tongue and try to reach them to the tip of the nose. Then repeat the exercise, trying to get the language to the chin.

Lie on the floor, hands should be along the body. Press the chin to his chest, fix a position for a few seconds. Then slowly turn the head to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.

Take a pencil and a mouth, "write" it in the air all the letters of the alphabet, at the same time try as much as possible to stretch the muscles of the face.

Douches - also a good helper to bring the chin in tone. Strengthen the oval of the face and allow light slap. And if you wet the towel strong brine, and turning it into a bundle, right-left pomassiruete collections, the result will be evident after a few sessions.

From time to time the following procedure. Take a gauze bandage, fold it several times. The width of the bandage should be approximately 2-3 cm. Then, the resulting tow soak in the center of lemon juice. Apply a bandage on his chin, with lemon soaked cloth should cover only the most convex part and fix lemon compress for 20-30 minutes. After remove the tourniquet, lubricate bold face nourishing cream.

"Strengthen" and "fix" the chin is possible by means of an ordinary elastic bandage. Just tie up the problem area and 20-35 minutes, remove the bandage. Once a week is enough.

Important role in the prevention of double chin plays self-massage of the face. Simple but effective. Sit on a chair, slightly tilt the body forward and down - ago. Cover the top of the lower lip. Then the index and middle fingers of one hand put on the chin, and the pinky and ring - under the chin. Then alternately one or the other hand five times stroking the face to the ear.

Caring for a person, do not forget about the power of the skin of the chin and neck. It is best to use for this purpose creams and masks that strengthen the skin and gives it elasticity and smoothness.

Tags: face, chin, oval, prevention