How to remove the redness from the nose

How to remove the redness from the nose
 Remember as a kid we called Father Frost? Yes, Grandfather Frost - Red nose! Funny and cute. However, no laughing matter to those who faced the problem of redness on the nose in everyday life. Especially painful it is for women. Why our nose is red, and how to fight it?
 If you are concerned about the redness on the nose that does not go a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This is required in order to avoid unpleasant disease such as demodekoz or ciliary mite. In this case, the self is unacceptable, and it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's prescription. We talk about those phenomena that can and should be treated independently.

Think about whether or not you cause redness transferred stress, digestive problems, colds, inflammation inside the nose. If there is such a connection, you need to immediately start treatment of the underlying disease. Once you get rid of the cause, and will take effect. Your nose will become discolored.

Look, not too strongly expanded pores on the nose, there are no blood vessels burst. If redness caused by these reasons, start eating right. The blood flows to the face can, when you cram too much, eat a very strong tea, drink a lot of coffee, enjoy hot meals, abusing alcohol and spicy seasonings.

Often the nose turns red in the cold, or when temperature drops. What to do? You can try out the procedures for hardening. For this you need a decoction of herbs. This can be a sage or chamomile. Try doing medical packs for the nose. Need to alternate hot and cold compresses. Soak the cloth in hot solution and attach to the nose. Hold a minute and apply a cold towel. Do this 10 times, twice a week. Very useful lime broth, which must be wiped his nose every morning.

If you love to walk in the cold without a hat and scarf, do not lubricate the nose greasy cream and powder, do not be surprised if your nose will begin to protest. He will blush. Tempered him doing exercises. Yes, yes, charging for the nose! Stand at the open window and breathe nose. Inhalation and exhalation should be sharp and strong. After exercise wash your face with lukewarm water and gently massage your nostrils.

Tags: nose, cold, red, red, red