How to remove swelling of the eyes

How to remove swelling of the eyes
 Swollen eyelids may be the result of a chronic lack of sleep, a symptom of certain diseases, allergic reactions, etc. Get rid of the swelling of the eyes can eliminate the cause of their appearance and refresh the skin by local compresses.
 If the cause of the swelling of the upper eyelids is fatigue and lack of rest, then a correct regime will get rid of the problem. Sleep as much as you need in order to look good, but not less than 7 hours a day. Before going to bed refrain from taking liquids, remove excess cream for the skin around the eyes with a paper towel and try to sleep on a low pillow or no.

Tidy eyelids can be using masks and compresses. You can apply to the eyelid skin raw potato or cucumber. Vegetables can be used in the form of plates - cut them into slices and apply to eyelids. Try grate cucumber or potato grater or scroll in a meat grinder - equally useful to apply to the skin and pulp century squeezed the juice out of it. If we add the grated raw potatoes finely chopped parsley, then the effect of compress increase. Potatoes and can cook - scrunch up his fork puree and apply to the upper eyelids as a mask.

Sleeps tea bags or strong welding also apply to express methods to eliminate swelling eyelids. Attach a wet tea bags or tea leaves soaked in cotton pads to the eyelids for a few minutes, then wipe the skin with a piece of ice. From herbal concoctions effective infusions of parsley, chamomile, St. John's wort.

If your body is delayed fluid, the appearance of puffy eyelids you can not avoid - take diuretics and soft fitosbory.

Cardinal way to solve the problem overhanging eyelids is blepharoplasty. Nabryakshie eyelids may be due to genetic predisposition or poor lifestyle choices, the result of natural aging and drooping corners of the eyes. Cope with such problems will help eyelid - surgically removed excess skin with subcutaneous fat. It is also possible to slightly raise an eyebrow or pull the skin of the forehead, simultaneously solving the problem of cross-folds - as a result of tightened skin of the eyelids, eyes closed. As with any surgery, blepharoplasty has its contraindications and can result in complications. But the result of the procedure will be kept for several years, and to achieve this effect compresses and lotions impossible.

Tags: Eye, skin care, swelling