How to choose a blush on the type and complexion

How to choose a blush on the type and complexion
 Make-up call not only painted lips and eyes. Considerable attention is given to well-established basis: correctly applied tone cream used in problem areas proofreader, and blush. These cosmetic products can change the whole look.

Choose the right paint to the color and type of skin - is a science. It is very important to find a shade that will blend with the natural color of the skin.

Blush is an important part of the make-up, give the face a "bulk", as if inhaling in his life. When apply concealer, you align the complexion, but thereby you it "flattens". Therefore, it is important to correctly place over tonalnika rouge color accents desired tone.

On sale now there are different types of blush. Matt suitable for all skin types and appropriate not only for daytime makeup, but also for the evening. There are also sparkling, shimmer blush. They are perfectly set off the face paint and make it expressive and luminous, but is not for everyone.

Owners of oily skin or enlarged pores much better to abandon the use of this type of cosmetics, because there is a risk to emphasize once again the shortcomings of the skin.

With the help of blush in the form of stroke sticks and creamy, you can create a natural effect. They are recommended for normal to dry skin, but in combination and oily skin blush, these can "bleed". To avoid this, they must be secured on top of transparent powder or dry blush.

Having defined the type of blush, which is ideal for your skin type, proceed to the selection of colors. For light skin suit blush biscuit, peach and pink shades. With tanned skin is recommended to opt for coral, peach and deep pink. And finally, if you have dark skin, you are perfect bronze, brick and apricot shades for daytime makeup. And for evening makeup, choose red and plum colors. However, the latter should be applied very sparingly and carefully in order to avoid vulgarity.

Tags: face, color, color, blush, type selection