Facial masks at home

 The facial skin is not dependent on the time of year every day exposed to adverse environmental effects. Winter - it's the influence of cold and sharp temperature drop when going outside of the premises. Summer - it's harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Usingface maskYou will be able to for a longer time than it took us to Mother Nature, to maintain in perfect condition the skin.Masks Take good care of your face, nourish, cleanse and moisturize the skin, improve its elasticity and improve the complexion. But in this sensitive issue also has its own tricks and "pitfalls". It's no secret that in order to achieve good results, it is necessary to choose the rightthe maskDesigned for your skin type. And it is also important to know the sequence of procedures - when you need to moisturize, nourish where and when to tone, to eventually get a stunning result.

Face masks are divided into several types:

Liquid mask or mask filmTypically made based latex. They are applied to the face an even layer and after a while removed a thin plenochku. As a rule, the composition of these masks has moisturizing, firming, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effect.

Gel mask - Used mainly for oily skin. It is recommended to apply at night before bed for 20 minutes. These masks usually include algae extracts or plant extracts.

Pasty masks have filled clay and removed from the face is usually in the form of the cast. They have moisturizing and cleansing action and create a lifting effect.

Modernpowder mask silicone-based moisturizing and providing smoothing effect, can be easily removed from the skin and contain biologically active additives to food skin cells.

Creamy mask divided into drying that clean, tone and whiten skin and non-drying, which nourish the skin. They are applied to the face, of approximately 20 minutes, whereupon the whole composition, which is not absorbed within this time, blotted napkin. Non-drying hydrating mask is strictly prohibited to use for oily skin.

There are alsoexfoliating mask or peeling. They remove the layer of dead skin cells and gently polish skin. Is Theremask with scrub particles - For oily skin and mask without these coarse particles are perfect for dry.

For the right choicefacialsAre advised to refer to the beautician, who will choose wisely and recommends the necessary composition, depending on your skin type, its condition and the goals that you want to solve.

You can also refer to a beauty salon and goCourse facial masks. Many women prefer to apply a mask at home. To do this, we still recommend you also visit a few sessions in a beauty salon, to be sure how well you can perform this procedure at home.

So, where do you start at home?

First you need to clean the skin with the help of cosmetics. Then, it is desirable to make a steam bath or compress facial grass chamomile, sage or linden. This procedure will open the pores and remove the loosened dirt, prepare your face for greater penetration of nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin.

The third step is to test the mask of an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little money on a small patch of skin and wait for a while. If there is no reaction, thenapply the mask face in the following areas: on the cheeks - from the nose and the upper lip to the side - to the ears and down - to the edge of the lower jaw, nose - from the tip to the base of the eye - the side of the nose, the chin - from top to bottom, on the forehead - from the center to the temples. Then it is advisable not to use your facial muscles, and just lie down and relax.

When applying the mask is not desirable to apply the composition to the skin around the eyes, lips, and the thyroid gland.

Wash off mask usually warm water, and then applied to the face moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Masks is preferably carried out with a periodicity of 1 - 2 times a week, alternating wetting compositions with feeding masks. If you use them more often, it can cause skin irritation and even weaken it. But if you use them at least - is the visible effect of them will not.

Many manufacturers in the face masks include natural ingredients such as honey, green tea or white tea, and all of them are enriched with vitamins and trace elements missing skin, resulting in favorable effect on your skin.

Facials Face and you can prepare yourself at home, and you will know that all incoming ingredients are natural and fresh.

 But do not forget that the selection of completely should match your skin type.

For example, suitable for normal skinMask of warm honey and vodkaWhich are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes.

Dry skin is well suitedmask from 2 tbsp. l. milk, sour cream or cottage cheese1 h. L. honey and 10-15 drops of lemon juice. In this composition is added a little salt and all the means applied for 20 minutes on the face.

For oily skin is essentialmask 3 tbsp. l. therapeutic mudMixed with a small amount of chamomile tea to help narrow pores and get rid of excess fat on the skin.

For combination skin, mixone egg protein 2 h. L. night cream and finely grated carrots. Leave this composition on the face for 15 minutes.

Oh, and for those who wish to get rid of freckles, you need to mix2 tbsp. l. carrot juice with 20 drops of lemon juice lubricate the skin and it will be 2-3 times a day.

From the scourge of many - acne fita mixture of 2 tablespoons. l. white clay with 10 drops of lemon juice and 20 g of alcoholWhich is applied to the skin for 15 minutes daily.

More recently, a handy new "Biomatriks" - And a piece of cloth soaked in a special compound. This mask is applied to the face and lightly moistened with water, then the composition is evenly on the face and begins to care for and nourish your skin.

Apart FrommaskoterapiiAlso recommend a daily massage of the face for 10-15 minutes, which should be done very gently and avoid excessive skin tension.

With proper, regular and integrated use offace masks massage and exercise, you will be able to effectively deal with aging skin, improve skin texture, get rid of small defects - wrinkles, acne, pimples and freckles, as well as tighten the facial contour.

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Tags: mask