Face mask of honey and clay

Face mask of honey and clay
 In the struggle for the beauty and health of the skin by any means, especially natural. One of the most effective ways to cleanse, moisturize, soothe the skin, improve skin tone are homemade mask. Very useful for facial mask containing honey and clay. Depending on the type of skin condition and age of the woman may choose any currently most suitable mask with these components.

Honey is a real treasure trove of trace elements, acids and vitamins, and is traditionally used in cosmetics as a moisturizer and nourishing agent. He penetrates deep into the pores of the skin, saturating it with moisture and nutrients, helps to purify it, to smooth wrinkles, reduce inflammation. Honey is suitable for all skin types, but it does have one drawback - the possible allergic reactions. Therefore, before applying the mask with honey, it is desirable to test: Apply the mixture on the inside of the arm just above the wrist and hold for 10-15 minutes. If irritation appears, you can apply honey on your face. Also, it is not recommended to use honey when vasodilatation and capillary network on the skin.

Clay, in turn, contains a set of macro- and micronutrients such as copper, potassium, zinc and TL It perfectly cleanses, tones and tightens the skin, has a bactericidal action, normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands and metabolism, promotes regeneration, smoothes wrinkles, and so on. N. Depending on the type of skin cosmetics are different types of clay. For example, for oily, problem and mature skin traditionally used masks with white (kaolin) and green clay. When acne and other inflammatory cells useful blue clay, which has a cleansing, bleaching and disinfecting properties. Sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation, the most suitable red clay.

For oily skin is useful mask of white clay with honey. Tablespoon of kaolin diluted with a little water (to the consistency of thick cream), add a teaspoon of honey, thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. Another option effective mask for oily skin - dissolve one tablespoon of green clay milk or yogurt and add a teaspoon of honey. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

If you have dry skin take on a dining room tablespoons of gray clay and honey, diluted with milk, add a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of lemon. Mask is applied to the face and neck for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

In normal skin mixed a tablespoon of blue clay with milk, add a teaspoon of honey and sour cream and put on 10-15 minutes. Also for this type of skin is effective mask of blue clay with cucumber and honey. Small cucumber rubbed on a fine grater, add to the resulting slurry tablespoon of blue clay, a teaspoon of honey and mix. The resulting mass is put on the face and neck for 15 - 20 minutes.
For all types of aging skin is perfect mask of three teaspoons of white clay, one teaspoon of honey and three tablespoons of milk. A mixture of a dense layer is applied to the face, brought to dryness and washed with mineral water. This mask nourishes, moisturizes and tightens the skin.

A good anti-aging effect also has a mask of clay, sour cream, lemon and honey. These ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied on the face for 15-20 minutes. The mixture was washed with warm water and then rinsed with cold water person. This mask refreshes, whitens skin, smooths wrinkles. Rejuvenating mask with clay and honey is recommended to do twice a week.

Tags: face, honey, lemon, mask, allergy, clay