The victory over acne - the reality on the verge of fiction

The victory over acne - the reality on the verge of fiction
 Get rid of acne forever dream of many. At a certain age acne on the forehead, chin, nose wings appears in 80% of adolescents, regardless of sex, but not all of it turns into inflamed, often festering pimples. And it gets no cosmetic defects and disease. Treat it should immediately, without hoping that with age "self-will."

Medical procedures are in cleansing, disinfection of the skin and exposed to a certain drug. Very good effect is water treatments: a cool shower daily, morning and evening, weekly Russian steam bath, steam bath for the face. After the steam room or steam bath is easy peeling, and you can use finely ground salt. Then wiped the face with ice or cold water - it tightens pores. Already dry skin powder pharmacy talc or baby powder.

Daily clean the skin, being careful if inflamed pimples, but without pustules, it is easy to wipe in a circular motion all over your face, otherwise use cosmetic disks separately for diseased and healthy sites.

To cleanse the skin and pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry offers a variety of means, they are not universal in their complex compositions can include inappropriate for your particular skin material. Most neutral - ones that you can do yourself: distilled water with lemon juice (1: 1) or with an alcohol (2: 1). For pustular acne is better to use alcohol solution of calendula or 3% hydrogen peroxide -s, they are available in pharmacies. The main thing - to be a means of degrease and disinfect.

Some are trying to get rid of pimples, squeezing them that at home is dangerous and useless after yourself extruded acne scars often remain. If the mechanical cleaning treatment is needed, cosmetologist make it in a sterile environment and with minimal impact.

For all single remedies for acne is not. Someone help medications, someone prefers herbal medicine; in the treatment of acne, many use the old folk remedies - birch tar and urine.

Final victory over acne can win, but it requires patience, perseverance and strict implementation of daily procedures and recommendations of the doctor-cosmetologist: pimples on the face often signals about the problems with metabolism problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergies.

Tags: pimple, reality, face Fiction