Sleep and vitamins - one of the conditions of beauty and health of your eyes

Sleep and vitamins - one of the conditions of beauty and health of your eyes
 Almost every woman wants to look dazzling. Healthy shiny hair, strong nails, well-groomed and clean smooth skin, flawless makeup, shining eyes. Eyes ... Foundations, proofreaders or eye drops, narrowing the capillary vessels - this is only temporary means of additional methods of dealing with extinct and tired eyes. Not easier to remove the cause than every morning to mask the consequences?

The emergence of "bags" and dark circles under the eyes are often caused by the presence of certain diseases of internal organs (kidney disease, allergic reactions or respiratory infections, etc.), so the first thing to pay attention to their health checked by a specialist. Other causes are also well known: alcohol excessively salty foods, excess water in the body, ultraviolet radiation, fatigue, disturbed sleep schedule.

The assertion that sleep should be more true only if the person is sleeping less than six hours a day, as long dream, too, can have a negative impact on the beauty of the eyes. The optimal duration of sleep - eight hours at the same time, experts believe that sleep before midnight is much more effective for health and beauty, than after 24:00.

Sleep in the afternoon will also help restore sight shine. If conditions permit, we should not neglect them. In the case of insomnia, of course, force yourself to sleep difficult, but do not turn to drugs. Better to use folk remedies: Take natural herbal tincture or drink a glass of warm milk. Also, do not take just before bedtime water treatments and engage in active sports.

The structure of many cosmetic products for skin care age (creams, serums, tonics for removing makeup, and so on) includes extracts from plants and vitamins. As a rule, they belong to the group A, B and E. Vitamins A and E have long been considered to be feminine beauty vitamins, they regulate metabolic processes in the body, help to improve skin condition, growth and strengthen hair and nails. But their struggle for an attractive appearance should be not only outside but also inside.

The required amount of vitamins contributes not only improve the appearance, but also restores decreased vision. But the lack of vitamin B can lead to optic neuritis, or clouding of the cornea. The content of vitamins in food much has been written, this information is easy to find. The main thing - remember that the stock to replenish the vitamin in the body better than getting them from natural products than to resort to pharmaceutical drugs, often produced by chemical means.

Tags: eye condition, beauty, health, sleep, vitamin