Protection and moisturizing lips during the cold season

Protection and moisturizing lips during the cold season
 Cold permanently damaging the exposed skin, especially the face. It is most exposed to the cold and wind. Most of the aggressive environment suffers thin skin of the lips. Competent daily care will help preserve the beauty and youthfulness of lips for a long time.  
 On the skin of the lips are no sebaceous glands, which is why it is experiencing a severe lack of moisture. During the cold and wind often dry lips, as a result, they crack and even inflamed. To prevent these troubles, you should regularly moisturize them with a special balm or simple hygienic lipstick, which can be applied individually, as well as a makeup base. Well, if lipstick contains beeswax, natural oils and vitamins. But the means of which consists of alcohol, retinol, menthol and glycerin, it is better to forget the summer. They will be very dry and without over-dried skin of the lips. Instead chapstick can moisturize lips cocoa butter - it not only smells good, but great care of the lips.

Health lips depends on our diet. In winter, it is necessary to constantly include red meat, nuts, dairy products, vegetables and cereals. Our lips are in dire need of vitamins such as B, E, A and C. These products will help make up for the lack of them in the body. In addition, it is useful to drink enough water.

You must make it a rule once a week to arrange easy peeling lips. It will help them to remove dead skin cells, making the skin smooth and soft. During the cold period should try to eliminate the use of decorative lipstick, especially the bar. It contains harmful components that clog the pores. If you leave the house without her painted lips is unacceptable to you, then be sure to apply for any lipstick decorative caring balm. He will prevent dryness and flaking.

Take regular massage her lips. It should be done with gentle circular movements using a toothbrush with soft bristles. After the massage lips should be lubricated moisturizer. This massage will keep the rich natural lip color and prolong their youth. If the lips are already covered with cracks or heavily shelled, the aid will come home remedies. Moisturizes the lips butter or olive oil, and cucumber juice. Also a good anti-inflammatory and moisturizing agent is honey. Its regular application to the lips return them beauty.

Tags: time, lip, year, cold, care, protection, moisturizing