Hydrating mask for sensitive skin

Hydrating mask for sensitive skin
 Sensitive facial skin needs special care and careful selection of cosmetics. This applies to all kinds of procedures, especially conducted in the home. If you want to refresh the complexion and smooth out wrinkles couple of masks, the match components to them in accordance with the reaction of your skin. In the event of even a slight burning or itching is an urgent need to remove the mask.
 Dairy products for the skin soft and non-irritating, so they can be used in various combinations for the preparation of masks. Especially useful dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, kefir, sour cream. Prepare a mask of curd and cucumber, it is well moisturize the skin, soothe it and remove redness. To do this, mix 1 tbsp fermented milk with 1-2 tablespoons of milk. Chop the cucumber, gently squeeze the mass and connect with cheese. Put the mask on your face, hold 10 to 30 minutes, then rinse.

You can take a cucumber instead of carrots. In this case, the mask will also improve the complexion. Clean one root and rub on a small grater. If very juicy carrot, then gently squeeze the juice. Then carefully mash cheese and add a couple of teaspoons of olive oil. Stir and connect with carrot mass. Put the mask on your face for 15 minutes. After this time, rinse with warm water.

If the facial skin is dry and even flaky, good potato helps mask. She is an excellent tones and refreshes, operates smoothly, without causing irritation. You can simply rub the potatoes on a grater and apply on face. But it will be much more effective if you add a teaspoon of vegetable oil - peach, apricot, olive or other.

You can make a mask of mashed potatoes. To do this, you need to cook the root directly in the skin (in uniform), then clean it and crush. Add at this little warm milk to mass turned soft smooth consistency. Pour a teaspoon of olive oil, it is possible to drive a raw egg yolk. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Cabbage has emollient properties, the mask from it useful for those who have very dry and sensitive skin of the face. Grind a few cabbage leaves, pour the hot milk, 1-2 tbsp. spoons. Simmer until a thick paste. Then cool and put on face for 20 minutes. Rinse off and apply a nourishing cream.

If you want to clean the sensitive skin of dead cells do not use scrubs, oatmeal successfully replace them. Pour the boiling water a tablespoon of oatmeal and let it brew. After 10-20 minutes, put a lot on the face and lightly rub the skin with your fingertips. Next, hold the mask for 10 minutes and rinse. For best effect can be brewed hot cereal with milk, and is also recommended to add a little honey.

Tags: skin, face, cabbage, mask, cottage cheese, potatoes, dry