Hydrating mask for aging skin

Hydrating mask for aging skin
 Aging - unpleasant but inevitable phenomenon. It would be desirable to have always young and beautiful skin, it is impossible. But quite capable to postpone her years wilting and the appearance of wrinkles. Enough to treat skin: to carry out daily cleaning, use special cosmetics with collagen and vitamins, as well as regularly do a hydrating mask.
 Mask with aloe

For her need aloe leaves, soaked in the refrigerator for one week. Aloe grind, take a tablespoon of gruel, add a teaspoon of warmed honey, egg yolk and 1 tablespoon dry milk. Stir, if the mass is very thick, dilute it with a small amount of milk. Put the mask on your face, wash after 15 minutes.

Mask with yeast

Need 1 tbsp yeast, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons of milk. Mix the ingredients and apply on face. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

With yeast and can be another mask. Mix 1 tablespoon yeast fat sour cream, should get a thick mass. Grate the apple, take 1 tbsp pulp, pour into it 1 tsp heated honey and connect the two mixtures. This mask is useful not only applied to the face, but also on the décolleté. Hold for 15 minutes and rinse.

Smoothing Mask

Need one egg and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Whisk in the protein foam and add one teaspoon of lemon juice. Evenly lubricate the face, and after 15 minutes rinse with warm water. Rinse with cold.

You can add the dry-ground zest of one lemon and oatmeal. Then the mask will have an even greater effect. Only first gently soften facial mass, and then rinse. Rinse with cold water.

Masks for sagging skin

Pale flabby skin can help mask the fruit. Grate an apple and mix the pulp with 1 tsp warm honey. Add a tablespoon of ground oatmeal. Mix and make a mask for 15 minutes. After this time the wash.

You can still make a mask with carrot. It is especially good in the presence of acne. Grate the carrots on a grater and apply slurry on the face. You can add a little talcum powder if the mass is too thin. Talc dry the skin, so use it only when greasy.

Tags: face mask, care, treatment, aging