How to make a smooth complexion

How to make a smooth complexion
 The skin condition, usually an indicator of overall health of the organism. The reward for a correct way of life and tireless work to care for a healthy skin will be smooth and even complexion.
 Skin should be cleaned every day and make-up, and from fat, which is produced by the sebaceous glands and from the street dust. If we ignore this rule, clogged pores, which can lead to the formation of acne and comedones.

To cleanse oily and prone to inflammation of the skin can be used alcohol tinctures of herbs: calendula, chamomile, sage. If the skin is thin and dry, by means of alcohol should be abandoned. In this case, more suitable decoctions of herbs, to which are added a few drops of glycerin. Such a formulation cleanses and nourishes the skin.

Excellent tool for nutrition and hydration of the epidermis are masks from natural products. Particularly fertile in this sense, it is time - summer and autumn. Do not miss the opportunity to saturate your skin with vitamins and minerals with a variety of berries, fruits and vegetables. For washing in the morning, you can use ice cubes made from fresh juices, diluted with water, and herbal infusions. Do not forget that skin care requires not only the face but also the neck and neckline. It is these areas often give the woman's age.

Depending on the condition of the skin is necessary from time to time peeling. At home, and you can use oat flour, mixed with fine table salt and a drop of lemon juice, tea brew or special cosmetics. If you yourself can not cope with the problems of the skin, consult a specialist-beautician.

One of the main factors that affect the health and appearance, is a restful sleep. Nevysypanie inevitably will be felt tired appearance, dark circles under the eyes, flabby and pale skin. It is better to give up some evening entertainment for sleep to the morning feel young and vigorous, and look the same.

The skin condition depends on how you eat. Too fatty or sweet foods can lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands, and your skin is covered with fresh eels. Alcohol, coffee, spicy food can trigger rosacea - pronounced capillary mesh on the face. The lack of vitamins in the diet lead to premature aging of skin. Try to avoid these mistakes in the diet to maintain smooth complexion.

Very important for the preservation of health and beauty is the active outdoor recreation. When you move, your lungs are working in emergency mode, saturating the blood with oxygen. Smooth healthy complexion - a pleasant consequence useful rest.

Tags: skin, face, color, health care