How to get rid of the first wrinkles

How to get rid of the first wrinkles
 The first noticeable wrinkles appear in women after 30 years - someone a little earlier, someone later, it all depends on genetics and lifestyle. As a rule, they are shallow and in order to smooth them, as well as prevent new wrinkles do not need to turn to plastic surgeons.
 Now your cosmetics should contain intense components and be labeled "anti-aging" - such products contain stimulants collagen and protective UV filters. With age, the skin should be protected from the sun more thoroughly, and natural loss of elasticity compensate creams and serums with antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and so forth.

Night Cream with vitamins and should be easy to apply it should be a few hours before bedtime and be sure to remove the excess with a paper towel, or edema in the morning can not be avoided. Skin cleansing lotions that you use in the morning and evening, and should contain more caring, nourishing ingredients. The area around the eyes needs special care - choose tool with collagen and apply it in the morning and evening. The skin becomes dry lips, so it must constantly nourish and moisturize.

Actively use masks and packs for the face, which helps smooth the skin and restore its elasticity. With fine wrinkles can be controlled independently - prepare the composition of oat flakes (50 g), egg yolk, glycerol (1, 5 tsp), camphor alcohol (15 g) and thymol (1 g). Mass of mix well and apply on areas with wrinkles, and an hour later, remove the mask moist swab.

For washing and masks anti-wrinkle good use of herbal extracts of Hypericum, mother and stepmother, chamomile, thyme, hop cones, etc. Fruit juices which are a part of many masks, has a rejuvenating effect - lotion strawberry and cucumber juice with the addition of vodka, salicylic acid, is perfect for daily cleansing and toning mature skin.

Miracle cream Cleopatra effectively cope with the first wrinkles - a mixture of beeswax, honey and onion juice warm water bath, cool and rub into problem areas in the evenings. Remove all the excess tissue.

From the salon procedures to eliminate wrinkles first fit sessions cosmetic acupuncture treatment and LED lamps. These methods enhance muscle tone, stimulate collagen, restore skin elasticity and smoothness, smooth fine wrinkles and rejuvenate tissue.

Tags: skin, face, wrinkle care