How to cure the scars on his face

How to cure the scars on his face
 Have a beautiful and perfect skin - cherished desire of many people. But, unfortunately, sometimes it arise scars or acne-from all sorts of injuries. Get rid of them is not so easy, but possible.

Today in cosmetology given a sufficiently wide range of services that effectively eliminate scars on his face. These also applies Dermabrasion. Its essence lies in the effects of grinding the upper layers of the skin with the help of special tools. In addition to the removal of various irregularities, it rejuvenates the skin becomes more elastic and soft. This effect is achieved by regenerating tissues, resulting in the place of damaged and old cells take up full-fledged young. This procedure assigns exclusively specialist after studying the general condition of the skin.

In addition to professional tools and methods of treatment of scars on his face often proven to help people's advice and recipes. This option will suit you if skin lesions are not too deep. If for an extended period of treatment you do not see improvement, immediately consult a doctor.


This plant is widely known for its medicinal properties. With scars on his face infusion of the leaves of Aloe helps relieve inflammation of the skin, soothe irritation and restore it. For the preparation of this tool is necessary to grind a little plant to the consistency of mush. Pour the resulting mixture into pure water ratio of 1: 5. After this, the infusion should boil on low heat for 5-10 minutes. After 40-60 minutes, strain the broth. 2-3 times a day, this infusion is used as a lotion, rubbing the affected areas of the face with a cotton swab (disk).

Mask-based cosmetic clay

For the preparation of this tool will need lemon juice (2 teaspoons), hydrogen peroxide (2 teaspoons), white clay (1 teaspoon). All components are thoroughly mixed and applied directly to the thin layer of scar. After 20-30 minutes the mask residues are washed off with warm water. This procedure is recommended 2-3 times per day.

Tags: skin, face, scar care, prescription medication