Feysforming: the fight against wrinkles

Feysforming: the fight against wrinkles
 After 25 years on the face of many women begin to appear first, yet subtle wrinkles, as elasticity of the skin changes. With age, skin sagging face "cut" the larger folds, under the eyes formed bags. Slow down this process and dramatically improve your appearance can help feysforming - special exercises for facial muscles.

Gymnastics person try to perform in front of a mirror so you can see their facial expressions and can qualitatively to work with all the muscle. Facial skin folds during exercise should not be.

The more you train, the faster will get the result that is sought. Take your training at least 10-15 minutes a day, and in three weeks you will feel the first change. But then you should not stop your activities, because the aging process, unfortunately, does not stop, it means that the fight against it must be constant.

Specialists in feysformingu primarily pay attention to the posture of man. At first glance, no connection with the person can not be here. But in fact, correct posture affects health. According to doctors, many migraine and clips at the shoulders, osteochondrosis are the result of habit to keep your head properly. That is, this leads to the rapid formation of wrinkles. So start with your posture. Try more straighten and pull the head, even like the book on top. Correct posture should become a habit.

And here are some of the exercises, simple and efficient enough to strengthen the muscles of the face.

Slide the fan fingers and press them to the skin of the forehead from the eyebrows to the hair. Raise your eyebrows and simultaneously push the skin of the forehead to the back of the head with your fingers. Hold them for 5 seconds in this position, then release and relax your muscles.

Index fingers touch the outer corners of the eyes, stretch the skin to the temples and secure. Slowly squint, and then opens her eyes wide.

Index and ring fingers push the skin on the lower eyelid and around the eyes. Move up and down the muscles of the lower eyelid.

Put your index fingers along your nasolabial folds, and along the lower jaw, place your thumbs. Press them, and the tips of the lips at the same time a little stretch in the side. Pull forward and return to the place of his lips, folded the letter "O".

Index fingers placed so that their lower phalanges were on the chin, the average - in the corners of the lips and fingertips - at the level of the nostrils. Your lips into a thin line, straining, and then relaxing the muscles of the mouth and chin.

Thumbs place at the outer corners of the eyes, and the index - along the nasolabial folds. Squeeze. Slide firmly lips in a smile, showing his front teeth. Hold for 5 seconds in this position, then close your mouth and fold heart lips.

Use your fingertips to tap on the face, moving from chin to forehead, and then also massage the head and neck, from the hairline to the crown.

Tags: face, muscle, wrinkle, exercise, gymnastics, wrestling, feysforming