Face masks for acne

Face masks for acne
 Reasons that cause acne, a lot, but most often they appear in adolescence on oily skin. In later years the cause of their appearance are different diseases, especially impaired immunity. Of course, their treatment is best to consult a specialist, but you can get rid of their own this unpleasant defect.

To fight acne, you need to use folk remedies and recommendations of doctors who claim that acne need to properly wash and clean the skin. Wash with cold water in the morning and in the evening - with soap and warm. Also use herbal teas and infusions that are perfectly clean and dry the pimples. In addition to the infusions well help in the fight against acne variety of masks that have a drying effect.

Try, for example, a mask of concoctions. Bodyaga - a river sponge, its crystals are very well eliminate the dead skin particles from dead cells that clog pores. Occlusion and causes acne on the skin. Bodyagu available over the counter in the form of a gel, or as a dry powder. The gel is ready for use, it can be applied to the face, just squeezed out of a tube.

If you are using the powder, it must first be diluted with boiling water. If you want to achieve and also whitening effect, add a little hydrogen peroxide. The mask must not be liquid, and be a thick slurry. mix gently and evenly apply on face. After twenty minutes, wash it off with warm water. This mask can cause some irritation and redness, usually it takes a day.

Well helps mask of calendula. To do this, a tablespoon of calendula tincture (alcohol), mix with 100 ml of water. Dampen a cloth or cotton pads in this solution and put on your face for the same twenty minutes. Then remove the mask and wash with warm water.

Struggling with acne and a mask of conventional yeast. It not only dries and tightens pores and brightens the face, making it a more even color. It is necessary to dissolve one tablespoon of yeast with hydrogen peroxide so that the resulting mixture has the consistency of thick cream. Spread this lineup face in several layers. When all the layers of the mask dries and cracks will, it can be washed off with warm water. Use it regularly, twice a week.

I should say that acne - often only symptoms of problems in the body, so the mask can not cure them. Get rid of them completely can only follow the doctor's recommendations. Therefore, in the fight against acne requires an integrated approach: a combination of treatments and cosmetic procedures.

Do not self-medicate, otherwise there is a risk of very unpleasant consequences. Use all these masks only after consultation with experts.

Tags: face, acne, mask, treatment, struggle