Cucumber nourishing facial mask

Cucumber nourishing facial mask
 Ground cucumbers, juicy and flavorful - not only indispensable ingredient of salads, but also a great cosmetic for all skin types. In combination with other fresh and natural products, cucumber can do facials with high biological activity.
 To make a nourishing mask for dry skin, take a couple of tablespoons of thick fat sour cream and mix it with the same amount of grated on a fine grater cucumber. If you want a little more and whiten the face, add a mixture of half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix all and apply the mask on your face, not only, but also on the neck and décolleté. Keep all this should be 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. In case you have oily skin, this mask is also nice, but it is necessary to use low-fat yogurt or sour cream.

For combination skin rubbed through a fine grater small cucumber, mix with a tablespoon of olive oil, place the mixture in a tablespoon of cottage cheese and milk. All carefully grind and mix. Keep the mask for 15 minutes and wash it off with cool boiled water.

Normal and dry skin can energize cucumber mask and simultaneously align its tone, easing the color pigment spots and freckles. To do this, you will need to lanolin, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Grate cucumber small size on a fine grater and mix it with the same amount of lanolin, gradually adding cucumber pulp and thoroughly mixing it rubbing movement. Let the mixture stand for half an hour, then drain the resulting liquid. But do not pour it. The remaining mass is used as a mask, put it on the face for 20 minutes. Remove the mask to a sponge or cotton pad soaked in warm, almost hot water. The person then you need to clean the supernatant liquid and applied to the skin moisturizer.

For aging and problematic skin for better use of masks is not the whole cucumber, but only the peel, cut with pulp thickness of 1-2 mm. Clean thus 2-3 cucumber, skin fold in the blender, add a couple of tablespoons of cream, 20% fat, a teaspoon of honey and rose water. If rosewater not, replace it with a couple of drops of rose oil. All whisk in fine mixture and put it there and neck, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask should warm water.

Tags: face, lanolin